Table - See Overview for Filtering and Searching Explanation

source Entry Example Modal 1 Modal 2 Modal 3 Gender Race / Ethnicity Agesort descending Level of Education Home Community, Town, or State Location Collected Year Relation to Addressee Medium Sentence Structure Status
Coleman 1129 Mrs. Jones might would have told you about the old courthouse. might would Unknown White Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) 1975 1.0 Elicited
Butters 1207 This was very frustrating to me because we might could have won the match if every one would have played like that during the match. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) Written 1.3 Naturalistic
Park 899 I might could. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) 1940 Spoken 1.0
England 980 I haven’t could get across the doors. haven't could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Durham) 1.0
Cunningham 1271 I probably may could get them in quicker. may could Unknown Black Unknown SC (Unknown) SC (Unknown) 1.0
Scotland 1151 He might no could do it. might no could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
Jamaica 1225 wuda mos hafi “would must must” would must hafi (=have to, must) Unknown Black Unknown Unknown Jamaica (Unknown)
Scotland 931 He will can do it. will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
England 2054 for he shal mowe shewe be experience th’entente of his good will (OED). shal mowe Unknown Unknown England 1402 Written 1.0
DARE 868 They might could tell you where you could buy some whiskey. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) TX (Unknown) 1967 interviewee to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Brandstetter 1184 Yeah, I think she might would like those. might would Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Montgomery 1999 We have a library that might could be stocked wit material that might be helpful. might could Male White College graduate SC (Columbia) SC (Columbia) 1992 Acquaintance to acquaintances Spoken Naturalistic
COCA 1004 We may should take us a little joyride somewheres. may should Female Unknown Unknown Unknown Novel 1990 Mother to daughter Written 1.0 Naturalistic
Park 900 I used to could used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) 1940 1.0
England 981 I doubt I’ll not can get. will not can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Durham) 1.4
Cunningham 1272 He might be can do that. might be can Unknown Black Unknown SC (Unknown) SC (Unknown) 1.0
Scotland 1152 He maybe no could do it. maybe no could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
Scotland 932 Will he can do it? will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 2.0
England 2055 if it be wiþoute help any long tyme ... it shal noʒt mow be cured. shal mow Unknown Unknown England c1425 J. Arderne, Treatise of Fistula in Ano (EETS) 42, 26
DARE 869 I might could look it up in my notes. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown SC (Bradley) SC (Unknown) 1967 interviewee to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Brandstetter 1185 It may shouldn’t be like that in that particular context. may should Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Coleman 1130 Mrs. Jones might’ve could told you. might have could Unknown White Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) 1975 1.0 Elicited
Butters 1208 The AIDS-infected child may could be allowed to visit the school for a short time during a controlled classroom activity. may could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) Written 1.0 Naturalistic
Park 901 It might would. might would Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) 1940 1.0
England 982 I’ll can gang to-day. will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Cumberland) 1.0
Cunningham 1273 He must have fuh do əm. must have fuh (=have to) Unknown Black Unknown SC (Unknown) SC (Unknown) 1.0
Scotland 1153 You have to can drive a car to get that job. have to can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
Jamaica 1226 wi mos hafi “will must must” will must hafi (=have to, must) Unknown Black Unknown Unknown Jamaica (Unknown)
Scotland 933 He might no could have done it. might no could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
England 2056 They shall ... mowe be ... emendyng to devout prayers ... in Goddis house, where prayers be most exaudible. shall mowe Unknown Unknown England c1443 Written 1.0
DARE 870 She may can do it. may can Unknown Unknown Unknown MS (Unknown) MS (Unknown) 1966 interviewee to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Brandstetter 1186 You might not should do that. might not should Unknown White Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
COCA 1006 Daddy said she might can come home this week. might can Female Unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Story 2004 child to adults Written 1.4 Naturalistic
Coleman 1131 Mrs. Jones might’ve could’a told you. might've could Unknown White Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) 1975 1.0 Elicited
Park 902 He ought to could. ought to could Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) 1940 1.0
England 983 I can’t walk five mile I’ t’hahr nah, but ah used to could! used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (West Yorkshire) 1892 1.1
Cunningham 1274 He must have fa see something. must have fuh (have to) Unknown Black Unknown SC (Unknown) SC (Unknown) 1.0
Scotland 1154 He’s gonna can pass his driving test next week. be going to can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
Scotland 934 He might could no have done it. might could no Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
England 2057 After the discrecyon of myne Executors as þe shal mow seme most ... expedient (OED). shal mowe Unknown Unknown England 1449 Written 1.3
DARE 871 I might could do it, if you’d let me try. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown FL (Unknown) FL (Unknown) 1966 Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Brandstetter 1187 I might even could do a poster as early as this spring. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Montgomery 2002 It might would be on the receipt. might would Male Unknown Unknown Unknown SC (Columbia) 1993 Stranger to stranger. Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2221 might can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown KY Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Jamaica 1209 A [=I] should can find some. should can Unknown Unknown Unknown Caribbean (Jamaica) Jamaica (Unknown) 1.0
Park 903 She may can. may can Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) 1940 1.0
England 984 Aw used to could a done it. used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Chester) 1.0
Scotland 1155 Do they need to can do it? need to can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 2.0
Scotland 935 He mightnae could have done it. mightnae could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
England 2058 Lete me have knowlache of ʒour mynde ... whan ʒe shall moun be in this cuntre. shall moun Unknown Unknown England 1481 Written 3.0
Verilogue Corpus 2190 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2222 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown IN Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2191 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown TN Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2223 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown IN Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
England 2060 No ship of greate burdon shall mowe comme ... in the seid Haven. shall mowe Unknown Unknown England 1495 Written 1.0
Verilogue Corpus 2192 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown CA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2224 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown IN Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2193 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown TX Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2225 may would Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown MI Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2194 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2226 may will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2195 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2227 might can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2196 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown VA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2228 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2197 may will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown MD Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2229 might could Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2198 may will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown OH Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2230 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown VA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Hasty 2132 Another thing we might could have on is the Neurontin. might could Doctoral degree Unknown Physician to patient Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2199 may can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2231 might could Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2200 might can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown CA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2232 may can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown IN Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2264 might can Unknown Unknown NC Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2201 may can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown FL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2233 may can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2202 may can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2234 might can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2203 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2235 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown TX Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Hasty 2135 My bones might not can take that. might not can Unknown Unknown Patient to physician Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2204 might would Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown VA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2236 might can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Hasty 2136 You might could try and see if you want to try a little bit of that and see how it does for you. might could Unknown Unknown Physician to patient Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2205 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2237 might should Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown MA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2206 might could Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2238 might could Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2271 may will Female White Unknown Unknown VA Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2207 may can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown NY Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2239 might can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown FL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2272 might not could Female Black Unknown Unknown CA Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2208 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2240 might would Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2209 might will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown WI Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2241 might will Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown FL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2210 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown KY Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2242 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AZ Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2211 might will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown MD Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
