Table - See Overview for Filtering and Searching Explanation

source Entry Example Modal 1 Modal 2 Modal 3 Gender Race / Ethnicity Age Level of Education Home Community, Town, or State Location Collected Year Relation to Addresseesort descending Medium Sentence Structure Status
Boertien 2113 might not ought might not ought Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Scotland 1146 She might can get away early. might can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
DARE 878 I might could should tell her about it. might could should Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown NC (central) 1989 Spoken 1.0
Jamaica 1222 mos(a) fi “must ought to” must fe (=for, ought to) Unknown Black Unknown Unknown Jamaica (Unknown)
England 2050 ... þai sall noght mow stand. sall mow Unknown Unknown England c1345 Written
Boertien 1299 It scared him that he may could’ve been killed yesterday. may could Female White 20 Unknown TX (southeast) TX (Unknown) 1.4 Elicited
England 1178 [A: I’m sorry Geoffrey won’t be able to come tonight because he’s going to the pictures.] B: Alright, he’ll can get a try on Tuesday. will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Newcastle) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Scotland 910 He’ll might could do it for you. will might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) Spoken 1.0
Feagin 769 You might could lead into it. might could Female White 60 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Birmingham) early 1970s Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Coleman 1125 I might could have been studying instead of fooling around had I known you were coming. might could Unknown White Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) 1975 1.3 Elicited
Butters 1204 Bob Cushaw [of Andrews NC] says he would like his wife to quit her babysitting job. “If you come back here in one year, I may can say I now own this or I now own that, but I’ll talk to you just as I... may can Male Black Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Scotland 942 He should could no have come. should could no Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Hern.&S 2026 He should can go. should can Unknown Black Unknown IL (Chicago) IL (Chicago) 1970s 1.0 Elicited
Scotland 975 I didn’t use tae could tak them at aa. did used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Argyll) 1931 1.0
Visser 1266 That ye counseille me how I shall may avenge me. shall may Male Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Unknown) c1489 Written
Scotland 1147 Will he can help us the morn? will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 2.0
DARE 879 I might could should write home. might could should Unknown Unknown c20 College undergraduate Unknown NC (Durham) 1989 Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
England 2061 þou ... shalt mowen retourne hool & sounde. shalt mowen Unknown Unknown England 1374 Written
Boertien 1300 Might you oughtn’t to have done that? might oughtn't to Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
England 1179 [A: Could you do with any plants?] B: No, not really. I might could do with one or two spaces filled. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Newcastle) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Scotland 911 You’ll have to can do it whether you want to or not. will have to can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.3
Feagin 770 At one time I might coulda helped you. might could Male White 50 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) early 1970s Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Boertien 2083 They all might oughta do that. might ought to Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.0 Elicited
Coleman 1126 He may should have been getting ready. may should Unknown White Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) 1975 1.0 Elicited
Butters 1205 What It Might Can Do ... The Rural Development Act of 1972 might can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown GA (Unknown) Written
Scotland 943 He shouldnae no could have come. shouldnae could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Hern.&S 2027 He may might must can sing. may might must can Black Unknown Doctoral student at Emory University at time of interview IL (Chicago) IL (Chicago) 1.0 Elicited
Scotland 976 “Aha!”, think A, “it’ll no hev cood gar ends meet this bittie back, nih, A’se warran!” will no have could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Argyll) 1925 Written 1.0
Visser 1267 On al the maners that ye shall conne demaunde. shall can Male Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Unknown) 1485 Written
Scotland 1148 They maybe could be working in the shop. maybe could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
DARE 880 You might oughtta get you some help with that. might ought to Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown GA (Unknown) 1993 1.0 Naturalistic
Jamaica 1223 mos(a) hafi “must must” must hafi (=have to, must) Unknown Black Unknown Unknown Jamaica (Unknown)
England 2051 Thou schalt mowe senden hire a lettre. schalt mowe Unknown Unknown England 1390 Written 1.0
England 1180 I’ll tell you who they could be. They might could be Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Newcastle) 1.0
Scotland 912 I would like to could swim. would could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Labov 1239 I might can’t get no more fines, neither. might can't Unknown Black 12 Unknown Unknown NY (New York City) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Boertien 2084 They might all oughta do that. might ought to Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.0 Elicited
Elsman 848 What we would might want to do is ... would might Male White Unknown Unknown SC (Unknown) 2007 Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Scotland 944 He shouldnae could no have come. shouldnae could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Scotland 2028 A'll noa can gawn dhu-moarn (I won't be able to go to-morrow). will no can White Unknown Unknown Scotland Scotland 1.0
England 977 He wouldn’t could go. would could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Durham) 1.0
Visser 1268 Who this booke shall wylle lerne May well enterprise. shall will Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Unknown) England (Unknown) 1481 Written 1.4
Feagin 803 But I useta could jus’ jump, jump jes’ as fast as they could throw it. used to could Female White 78 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) early 1970s Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Scotland 1149 You might would like to come with us. might would Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
DARE 881 People probably might not could tell. might not could Unknown Unknown Unknown MS (native, WI resident) WI (Unknown) 2003 Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Jamaica 1224 mos(a) kyan “may/might must” must can Unknown Black Unknown Unknown Jamaica (Unknown)
England 2052 Thou schalt mowe senden hire a lettre. schalt mowe Unknown Unknown England c1390 Written 1.0
England 1181 [A: He doesn’t think people ought to smoke.] B: Well, they shouldn’t ought to, should they? should ought to Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Newcastle) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Scotland 913 He might could have to go. might could have to Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Labov 1240 In deep water. I might can get hurt. might can Unknown Black 14 Unknown Unknown NY (New York City) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Feagin 772 He might could get her. might could Female White 70 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Gadsden) early 1970s Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Boertien 2085 Pledges might oughta all carry their pledge book with them at all times. might ought to` Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.0 Elicited
Coleman 1127 I may ought to have been doing my homework. may ought to Unknown White Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) 1975 1.0 Elicited
Price 1206 I may not can keep that up. may not can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Written 1.0
Scotland 945 He willnae can come. willnae can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Scotland 2029 Ivray wain in thu toon ull can say thawt (Every child in the village will be able to say that). will can White Unknown Unknown Scotland Scotland 1.0
England 978 Will he can go? will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Durham) 2.0
Cunningham 1269 They may would do that for you. may would Unknown Black Unknown SC (Unknown) SC (Unknown) 1.0
Feagin 804 I useta could pick it up, but I can’t do it no more. used to could Female White 78 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Scotland 1150 You might should claim your expenses. might should Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
Ginns 882 Now, they was all translated in the book from the way they told ’em. The way they told ’em, they was too rough to put down. Gosh They was rough Rough words in ’em. My grandfather told him some he... might could Male White c60 Grade School NC (Watauga County) 1982 Written 1.0
England 2053 ... tanne i schal mow truliche sey ... the wordes þat be writen in holi writ. schal mow Unknown Unknown England c1400 Written 1.0 Elicited
Brandstetter 1182 The participants are asked to choose two of the ideas that they might could adapt for use in their classes. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) TN (Unknown) Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
Scotland 914 He might used to could do it. might used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Feagin 773 He might could bring her. might could Female White 70 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Gadsden) early 1970s Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Boertien 2086 John, I guess, may could do that. may could Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.0 Elicited
Coleman 1128 I may can plow the bottom if it doesn’t rain anymore. may can Unknown White Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) 1975 1.3 Elicited
Scotland 946 He’ll no can come. will no can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
England 979 They’ll not can get any food. will no can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Durham) 1.0
Cunningham 1270 I probably may will go there tomorrow. may will Unknown Black Unknown SC (Unknown) SC (Unknown) 1.0
Feagin 805 [Can you do it?:] I useta could, but I can’t no more. used to could Female White 69 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Sand Mountain) early 1970s Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Feagin 806 Didn’t you tell me you useta could see, once in a while, a Indian go through the mountain? used to could Female White 77 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) 1972 Spoken 2.4 Naturalistic
Scotland 1151 He might no could do it. might no could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
Jamaica 1225 wuda mos hafi “would must must” would must hafi (=have to, must) Unknown Black Unknown Unknown Jamaica (Unknown)
England 2054 for he shal mowe shewe be experience th’entente of his good will (OED). shal mowe Unknown Unknown England 1402 Written 1.0
Brandstetter 1183 You might should go there because they might move it to New Jersey. might should Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Scotland 915 He might be to go tomorrow. might be to Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Labov 1241 Even in the streets, people useta would ask us to sing. used to would Unknown Black 37 Unknown SC (Unknown) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Feagin 774 Might could might could Female White 70 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) early 1970s Spoken Naturalistic
Boertien 2087 John might, I think, could do that. might could Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.0 Elicited
Coleman 1129 Mrs. Jones might would have told you about the old courthouse. might would Unknown White Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) 1975 1.0 Elicited
Elsman 851 I think probably the only thing we may would have would be napkins. may would Female White Unknown Unknown SC (Unknown) 2007 Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
Butters 1207 This was very frustrating to me because we might could have won the match if every one would have played like that during the match. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) Written 1.3 Naturalistic
Scotland 947 Will he no can come? will no can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 2.0
England 980 I haven’t could get across the doors. haven't could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Durham) 1.0
Cunningham 1271 I probably may could get them in quicker. may could Unknown Black Unknown SC (Unknown) SC (Unknown) 1.0
Feagin 2018 I can’t do those things like I useta could. used to could Female White 30s Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) early 1970s Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Scotland 1152 He maybe no could do it. maybe no could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
Foxfire 884 Let me see one more time. I might can do it. might can Unknown Unknown Unknown GA (northeast) 1970 Written 1.0
Brandstetter 1184 Yeah, I think she might would like those. might would Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Scotland 916 You’ll have to can do it. will have to can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Feagin 775 She might could do that. might could Female White 70 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Gadsden) early 1970s Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Boertien 2088 John might could, I think, do that. might could Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.0 Elicited
Elsman 852 I mighta coulda done that. might have could Female White Unknown Unknown SC (Unknown) 2007 Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Scotland 948 He’ll can do it, will he no? will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
England 981 I doubt I’ll not can get. will not can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Durham) 1.4
Cunningham 1272 He might be can do that. might be can Unknown Black Unknown SC (Unknown) SC (Unknown) 1.0
Cunningham 1273 He must have fuh do əm. must have fuh (=have to) Unknown Black Unknown SC (Unknown) SC (Unknown) 1.0
Feagin 958 I useta could. used to could Female White 60s Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) early 1970s Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Scotland 1153 You have to can drive a car to get that job. have to can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
