Table - See Overview for Filtering and Searching Explanation

sourcesort descending Entry Example Modal 1 Modal 2 Modal 3 Gender Race / Ethnicity Age Level of Education Home Community, Town, or State Location Collected Year Relation to Addressee Medium Sentence Structure Status
Verilogue Corpus 2204 might would Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown VA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2237 might should Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown MA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2269 might could Female White 50 to... Unknown Unknown KY Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2205 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2238 might could Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2270 might could Male White 70 to... Unknown Unknown KY Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2206 might could Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2239 might can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown FL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2271 may will Female White Unknown Unknown VA Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2207 may can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown NY Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2240 might would Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2272 might not could Female Black Unknown Unknown CA Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2208 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2241 might will Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown FL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2273 might would Female White 60 to... Unknown Unknown NC Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2209 might will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown WI Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2242 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AZ Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2274 might could Female White 80 to... Unknown Unknown VA Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2210 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown KY Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2243 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2275 might can Male Other 50 to... Unknown Unknown VA Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2211 might will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown MD Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2244 might should Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown FL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2276 might could Female White 50 to... Unknown Unknown SC Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2212 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown NC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2245 may can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2277 might could Male White 60 to... Unknown Unknown VA Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2213 may will Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown MA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2246 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown NE Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2278 might can Female White 50 to... Unknown Unknown SC Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2214 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2247 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2279 might would Female Black 60 to... Unknown Unknown MA Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2215 may should Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown IN Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2248 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown NJ Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2280 may will Female Other 30 to... Unknown Unknown RI Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2216 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2249 might should Male White 60 to... Unknown Unknown MD Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2281 might could Male Black 20 to... Unknown Unknown AZ Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2217 may can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Visser 1212 I fear that the emperor will depart thence, before my letters shall may come into your grace’s hands. shall may Male White Unknown Unknown England (Unknown) 1532 Written 1.4
Visser 1266 That ye counseille me how I shall may avenge me. shall may Male Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Unknown) c1489 Written
Visser 1267 On al the maners that ye shall conne demaunde. shall can Male Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Unknown) 1485 Written
Visser 1268 Who this booke shall wylle lerne May well enterprise. shall will Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Unknown) England (Unknown) 1481 Written 1.4
W&C 1196 I used to couldn’t count ’til I, ’til I got me some work up here. used to could Female White 78 Unknown Unknown WV (Unknown) Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
W&C 1197 I might could make up one, but I don’t know. might could Female White 11 Unknown Unknown WV (Unknown) Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Warner 889 I might could play the piano. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown AR (southeast) 1938 1.0
Wentworth 886 He’ll not kin go. will not can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown WV (eastern) 1931 Spoken 1.0
Wentworth 887 She’ll never kin catch a mouse now. (Said when a pet cat became crippled). will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown WV (eastern) 1930s 1.0
