1094 |
Well, he might could. |
might |
could |
Male |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Television |
1991 |
panelist to panelist |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
956 |
He cannae dae it these days, but he used to could. |
used to |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Hawick) |
Scotland (Hawick) |
1.1 |
1047 |
He had sold his quota of Bibles and then some and did she reckon she might could come on over to his cabin after dark for a little roll in the hay before he headed out?
might |
could |
Male |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Story |
2007 |
man to woman |
Written |
2.4 |
Naturalistic |
381 |
Might could.
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
68 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Waxahatchie) |
subject to fieldworker |
Spoken |
unknown |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
973 |
He wouldna could dae’t, |
would |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Argyll) |
1929 |
1.0 |
R&W |
1264 |
I might could ketch a possum tonight, over on East Mountain.
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
AR (Unknown) |
Written |
1.0 |
DiPaolo |
1359 |
You might ought to give him a call. |
might |
ought to |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Austin) |
1975 |
person to group |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
1144 |
He’ll can help us the morn. |
will |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Unknown) |
1.0 |
1079 |
Damn. Might could be. |
might |
could |
Male |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Novel |
1994 |
father to son |
Written |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
925 |
He’ll might can come the morn. |
will |
might |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Hawick) |
Scotland (Hawick) |
1.0 |
England |
1177 |
[Q: Can you tell me the lengths and prices of the pieces of leather again?] A: You’ll not can remember them. They’re all different lengths and prices.
will not |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Newcastle) |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Labov |
1238 |
If you can find that canceled check, I may can go out there and get it. |
may |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
FL (Unknown) |
Spoken |
1.2 |
Naturalistic |
1015 |
I think of telling him that, but don't because he might not can take it |
might not |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Story |
1990 |
unknown |
Written |
1.3 |
Naturalistic |
DiPaolo |
1328 |
I might just couldn't see it. |
might |
couldn't |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Austin) |
unknown |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
1064 |
" I expect to see a picture of us with him might could be in newspapers in Memphis and New Orleans, " C. Moorman said. |
might |
could |
Male |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Story |
1998 |
man to man |
Spoken |
1.4 |
Naturalistic |
Johnson |
893 |
I used to could speak that jargon better than I could English and we had a i-dea that was to be the standard language here in Oregon.
used to |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
OR (Unknown) |
1909 |
1.1 |
DiPaolo |
1416 |
I don't think I have any grants you might could apply for. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Austin) |
1979 |
unknown |
Spoken |
1.6 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
974 |
An dan, wi baid een staandin wide, Sae noucht could can ta pass me.
could |
can to |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Shetland) |
Written |
1.0 |
R&W |
1265 |
I might could dry them dishes for ye. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
MO (Unknown) |
MO (Unknown) |
Written |
1.0 |
DiPaolo |
1360 |
That group should be asked to consider what our priorities might ought to be. |
might |
ought to |
Male |
Unknown |
78 |
Graduate school (Doctoral degree) |
PA (Philadephia) |
TX (Austin) |
1976 |
professor to faculty (during meeting) |
Spoken |
1.4 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
1145 |
They might could be working in the shop. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Unknown) |
1.0 |
Scotland |
926 |
He’ll should can come the morn. |
will |
should |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Hawick) |
Scotland (Hawick) |
1.0 |
DiPaolo |
1391 |
It may can be moved. |
may |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Graduate |
Unknown |
TX (Austin) |
1976 |
unknown |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
England |
1178 |
[A: I’m sorry Geoffrey won’t be able to come tonight because he’s going to the pictures.] B: Alright, he’ll can get a try on Tuesday. |
will |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Newcastle) |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
1095 |
I might could have stood anything but that. |
might |
could |
Female |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Story |
1991 |
interior monologue |
Written |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
DiPaolo |
1329 |
You might could have caught it. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Unknown) |
TX (Austin) |
1980 |
teacher to class |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Carmer |
894 |
[I] wisht I might could go, too. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
AL (Unknown) |
1934 |
Written |
1.4 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
975 |
I didn’t use tae could tak them at aa. |
did |
used to |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Argyll) |
1931 |
1.0 |
Visser |
1266 |
That ye counseille me how I shall may avenge me. |
shall |
may |
Male |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Unknown) |
c1489 |
Written |
DiPaolo |
1361 |
Those seeds, you might oughta put them in the garbage. |
might |
ought to |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Austin) |
1979 |
friend to friend |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
1146 |
She might can get away early. |
might |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Unknown) |
1.0 |
1080 |
Yeah, but I- I sort of kind of like living that high, because if you live low down, somebody might could shoot in your house or something, but when you're up high, it probably can't happen... |
might |
could |
Female |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Television |
1993 |
interviewee to interviewer |
Spoken |
1.2 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
927 |
He used to could do it when he was younger.
used to |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Hawick) |
Scotland (Hawick) |
1.3 |
1033 |
Now we have to sleep in our uniforms and things like that and you're limited to the base to where we used to could go downtown shopping and things like that. |
used to |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Television |
1991 |
interviewee to interviewer |
Spoken |
1.4 |
Naturalistic |
England |
1179 |
[A: Could you do with any plants?] B: No, not really. I might could do with one or two spaces filled. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Newcastle) |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
1096 |
Seems like if I could just remember that, I might could come to some kind of reckoning about come me to kill him. |
might |
could |
Female |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Story |
1991 |
interior monologue |
Written |
1.2 |
Naturalistic |
Butters |
1205 |
What It Might Can Do ... The Rural Development Act of 1972 |
might |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
GA (Unknown) |
Written |
Ryland |
895 |
I might could fix it for you. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
VA (Richland County) |
1976 |
Written |
1.0 |
DiPaolo |
1417 |
I may not can get into this parking place. |
may not |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TN (Memphis) |
1980 |
unknown |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
976 |
“Aha!”, think A, “it’ll no hev cood gar ends meet this bittie back, nih, A’se warran!”
will no |
have |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Argyll) |
1925 |
Written |
1.0 |
Visser |
1267 |
On al the maners that ye shall conne demaunde. |
shall |
can |
Male |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Unknown) |
1485 |
Written |
Scotland |
1147 |
Will he can help us the morn? |
will |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Unknown) |
2.0 |
Scotland |
928 |
I want to can do that. |
want to |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Hawick) |
Scotland (Hawick) |
1.0 |
1034 |
She used to could kill a horse with a fist between the eyes, but this week it's been migraines and fainting spells.
used to |
could |
Female |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Story |
1991 |
woman to man |
Written |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
England |
1180 |
I’ll tell you who they could be. They might could be Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Newcastle) |
1.0 |
Montgomery |
1995 |
It might could begin by a normal mother-daughter argument about different things. |
might |
could |
Female |
Unknown |
20 |
College (Some) |
Unknown |
TN (Memphis) |
1980 |
stranger to hypothetical |
Written |
Naturalistic |
DiPaolo |
1331 |
I might not could stay the whole time. |
might not |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Austin) |
unknown |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
1065 |
" I might could be subject to get [a] call of nature, " Gary Lee Stringer said from his cot. |
might |
could |
Male |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Story |
1998 |
man to man |
Written |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Hogrefe |
896 |
I may could. |
may |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
LA (northern) |
1934 |
Spoken |
1.0 |
England |
977 |
He wouldn’t could go. |
would |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Durham) |
1.0 |
Visser |
1268 |
Who this booke shall wylle lerne May well enterprise. |
shall |
will |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Unknown) |
England (Unknown) |
1481 |
Written |
1.4 |
DiPaolo |
1363 |
Jeanie's house is the fartherest from K-Bob. Do you think they might oughta meet us there? |
might |
ought to |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Austin, on phone) |
1979 |
friend to friend |
Spoken |
2.4 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
1148 |
They maybe could be working in the shop. |
maybe |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Unknown) |
1.0 |
692 |
I used to could get money.
used to |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
8th grade |
TX (Harrisville) |
TX (Temple) |
1977 |
subject to fieldworker |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
929 |
I'd like to could do that. |
would |
like to |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Hawick) |
Scotland (Hawick) |
1.0 |
England |
1181 |
[A: He doesn’t think people ought to smoke.] B: Well, they shouldn’t ought to, should they?
should |
ought to |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Newcastle) |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Montgomery |
1996 |
The mother would still have memories of being raped and because of that may would take her revenge on the baby. |
may |
would |
Female |
Unknown |
20 |
College (Some) |
Unknown |
TN (Memphis) |
1980 |
stranger to hypothetical audience |
Written |
Naturalistic |
1019 |
So Kayes said " You might should have told me that, months ago. |
might |
should |
Male |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Story |
1991 |
man to man |
Written |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Montgomery |
196 |
Things are going to be interesting next year. You might not can go to Poland. |
might not |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
SC (Unknown) |
unknown |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Price |
1206 |
I may not can keep that up. |
may not |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Written |
1.0 |
Hogrefe |
897 |
I might could do that. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
LA (northern) |
1934 |
1.0 |
386 |
Might just could be.
might |
could |
Male |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
FL (Tomoka Farms) |
subject to fieldworker |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
England |
978 |
Will he can go? |
will |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Durham) |
2.0 |
Scotland |
1149 |
You might would like to come with us. |
might |
would |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Unknown) |
1.0 |
1081 |
" Just out? " he half mimicked. " Out where? You think you might could tell me? " |
might |
could |
Male |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Story |
1993 |
man to woman |
Written |
1.4 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
930 |
He's bound to could do that. |
bound to |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Hawick) |
Scotland (Hawick) |
1.0 |
DiPaolo |
1303 |
We might could do some. |
might |
could |
Female |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Unknown) |
TX (Austin) |
1981 |
woman on phone |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Brandstetter |
1182 |
The participants are asked to choose two of the ideas that they might could adapt for use in their classes.
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TN (Unknown) |
TN (Unknown) |
Spoken |
1.6 |
Naturalistic |
1097 |
He might could be in a coma. Might be weeks and months. Might be years. |
might |
could |
Male |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Story |
1991 |
man to group |
Written |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
1021 |
A sailor went by on his way up the ladder of the forecastle, and said to me, "You might ought to go below." |
might |
ought to |
Male |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Novel |
2009 |
man to man |
Written |
1.q |
Naturalistic |
1066 |
He would be deputy to Marice's uncle until the sheriff died or retired, and then it might could be he would win his own election to sheriff. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Fictional Story |
1998 |
narrator |
Written |
1.1 |
Naturalistic |
Park |
898 |
I might can. |
might |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Unknown) |
1940 |
1.0 |
England |
979 |
They’ll not can get any food. |
will no |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Durham) |
1.0 |
DiPaolo |
1365 |
I might ought to go get us something to drink. |
might |
ought to |
Female |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Austin) |
woman to woman |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
1150 |
You might should claim your expenses. |
might |
should |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Unknown) |
1.0 |
Scotland |
931 |
He will can do it.
will |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Hawick) |
Scotland (Hawick) |
1.0 |
420 |
I might could do that.
might |
could |
Female |
Unknown |
unknown |
8th grade |
GA (Savannah) |
GA (Savannah) |
1972 |
unknown |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
1038 |
I used to wouldn't talk to nobody, but now I talk to people I haven't seen, you know, I ain't backwards or nothing. |
used to |
wouldn't |
Female |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
AR (Plainview) |
Television |
1992 |
interviewee to interviewer |
Spoken |
1.1 |
Naturalistic |
DiPaolo |
1304 |
By the end of the summer, she might could have it |
might |
could |
Female |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Austin) |
TX (Austin) |
1981 |
woman to man (neighbors) |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Brandstetter |
1183 |
You might should go there because they might move it to New Jersey.
might |
should |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TN (Unknown) |
Spoken |
1.3 |
Naturalistic |
Montgomery |
198 |
Sorry we don't carry them anymore, but you know, you may might can get one right over there at Wicks. |
might |
can |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
SC (Unknown) |
unknown |
Spoken |
1.1 |
Naturalistic |
Butters |
1207 |
This was very frustrating to me because we might could have won the match if every one would have played like that during the match. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Unknown) |
Written |
1.3 |
Naturalistic |
Park |
899 |
I might could. |
might |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Unknown) |
1940 |
Spoken |
1.0 |
DiPaolo |
1418 |
Well, once we get under way, it shouldn't oughta take us very long. |
shouldn't |
ought to |
Unknown |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (San Antonio) |
1981 |
unknown |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
England |
980 |
I haven’t could get across the doors. |
haven't |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
England (Durham) |
1.0 |
DiPaolo |
1366 |
I might oughta read. |
might |
ought to |
Male |
Unknown |
unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
TX (Austin) |
1981 |
man to woman |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Scotland |
1151 |
He might no could do it. |
might no |
could |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Scotland (Unknown) |
1.0 |
327 |
Might could.
might |
could |
Female |
White |
84 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
GA (Surrency) |
subject to fieldworker |
Spoken |
unknown |
Naturalistic |
Verilogue Corpus |
2250 |
might |
can |
Female |
White |
40 to... |
Unknown |
Unknown |
SC |
Patient |
Spoken |
Naturalistic |
1791 |
might could |
might |
could |
Male |
White |
79 |
Until age 18 |
NC (Concord) |
NC (Concord) |
1934 |
fieldworker to informant |
Spoken |
Reed |
1456 |
I think I might ought to get a bike to ride to school. |
might |
ought to |
Male |
White |
29 |
Graduate school (Doctoral degree) |
TN (Sneedville) |
SC (Columbia) |
2011 |
husband to wife |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
695 |
Used to might.
used to |
might |
Male |
White |
77 |
11th grade |
AL (New Brockton) |
AL (New Brockton) |
1976 |
subject to fieldworker |
Spoken |
unknown |
Naturalistic |
1546 |
might could |
might |
could |
Female |
White |
85 |
Until age 16 |
MD (Battle Swamp) |
MD (Battle Swamp) |
1939 |
fieldworker to informant |
Spoken |
Skipper |
167 |
She might should have gotten it. |
might |
should |
Male |
White |
21 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
SC (Unknown) |
unknown |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
421 |
I might could do that.
might |
could |
Male |
White |
27 |
Graduate school (Master's degree) |
AL (Troy) |
AL (Troy) |
1977 |
subject to fieldworker |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Mishoe |
5 |
I thought I'd ask you and we might could ask Jennifer.
might |
could |
Female |
White |
40s |
Unknown |
Unknown |
SC/ NC (Unknown) |
c1990 |
co-worker to co-worker |
Spoken |
1.4 |
Naturalistic |
1633 |
might could |
might |
could |
Male |
White |
54 |
Until age 18 |
VA (Tabscott) |
VA (Tabscott) |
1936 |
fieldworker to informant |
Spoken |
1888 |
might could |
might |
could |
Male |
White |
79 |
Until age 9 |
SC (Edgefield) |
SC (Edgefield) |
1946 |
fieldworker to informant |
Spoken |
537 |
Might could've helped me.
might |
could |
Male |
White |
44 |
12th grade |
MS (Bogue Chitto) |
MS (Bogue Chitto) |
1977 |
subject to fieldworker |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |
Feagin |
791 |
And Glen said, "Mama, you might otta get you one."
might |
ought to |
Female |
White |
61 |
8th grade |
AL (Unknown) |
AL (Unknown) |
1972 |
Unknown |
Spoken |
1.0 |
Naturalistic |