Table - See Overview for Filtering and Searching Explanation

source Entry Example Modal 1 Modal 2 Modal 3 Gender Race / Ethnicity Age Level of Education Home Community, Town, or State Location Collected Year Relation to Addresseesort descending Medium Sentence Structure Status
Boertien 2103 could SUBJECT may could might Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Elsman 867 They may not can give it to you that second. may not can Unknown White Unknown Unknown SC (Unknown) 2007 Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
England 998 I can’t run as I use to could. used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Warwickshire) 1.3
Boertien 1289 I might could do that, couldn’t I? might could Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.8 Elicited
England 1168 I can’t play on Friday. I work late. I might could get it changed though. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Newcastle) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Park 900 I used to could used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) 1940 1.0
Coleman 1118 He may ought to go before too long. may ought to Unknown White Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) 1975 1.0 Elicited
Scotland 932 Will he can do it? will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 2.0
Scotland 965 Baith you and her will can spare some o’ the cost. will can Male Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Ayrshire) 1822 Written 1.0
Mashburn 1256 He might ought to see you today. might ought to Unknown Unknown Unknown GA (Unknown) 1.0
Boertien 2101 shouldn't SUBJECT ought shouldn't ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Dumas 1138 We may can do it better. may can Male White 52 Unknown AR (Unknown) AR (Unknown) 1987 Spoken 1.0
Jamaica 1216 kuda hafi “could must” could hafi (=have to, must) Unknown Black Unknown Unknown Jamaica (Unknown)
England 2041 Na mare saltow ham con rede þen sternes of heyuen. sal con Unknown Unknown England 14th century Written 1.0
England 999 I can’t do it now like I used to could. used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Oxfordshire) 1.3
Boertien 1290 Might ought you to’ve done that? might ought to Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
England 1169 The girls usually make me some [toasted sandwiches], but they mustn’t could have made any today. must could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Newcastle) Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Park 901 It might would. might would Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) 1940 1.0
Feagin 760 She might could give ... might could Female White 26 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) early 1970s Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Coleman 1119 He may ought to have gone. may ought to Unknown White Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) 1975 1.0 Elicited
Butters 1200 I don’t carry no lunch because I thought maybe, you know, they might would give me something to eat. might would Unknown Black Unknown Unknown NC (Wilmington) Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Scotland 933 He might no could have done it. might no could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Scotland 966 He’ll can tell us. will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1881 Written 1.0
Mashburn 1257 He may should see you today. may should Unknown Unknown Unknown GA (Unknown) 1.0
Feagin 792 We might otta give you a chicken sandwich. might ought to Female White 30 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Selma) early 1970s Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Dumas 1139 You might oughtta take a look at that pie before you eat it. might ought to Female Unknown Unknown Unknown AR (Huntsville) 1987 1.3 Naturalistic
Boertien 2105 might wouldn't might wouldn't Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2137 might not could might not could Female White 32 College Student TX (Matagorda City) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2107 might hadn't ought might hadn't ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2138 might not should might not should Female White 32 College Student TX (Matagorda City) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2108 might not ought might not ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2139 might not can might not can Female White 32 College Student TX (Matagorda City) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2109 had SUBJECT might ought had might ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2140 mightn't ought mightn't ought Female White 32 College Student TX (Matagorda City) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2111 should SUBJECT might ought should might ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2141 shouldn't SUBJECT ought shouldn't ought Female White 32 College Student TX (Matagorda City) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2112 ought SUBJECT might should ought might should Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2142 might not ought might not ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2107 might shouldn't ought might shouldn't ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2143 might not could might not could Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (U c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2144 might not should might not should Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2114 might not could might not could Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2145 might not should ought might not should ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2115 might not would might not would Male White 2 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2146 mightn't ought mightn't ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2116 must not can must not can Male White 20s College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2147 mightn't shouldn't ought mightn't shouldn't ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2117 must not ought must not ought Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2148 shouldn't ought shouldn't ought White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2118 must not would must not would Male White 21 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2149 might SUBJECT ought might ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2120 might ought not might ought not Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2150 should SUBJECT ought should ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2121 mightn't ought mightn't ought Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2151 shouldn't SUBJECT ought shouldn't ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2122 might couldn't might couldn't Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2152 should SUBJECT ought might should ought might Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2123 might couldn't might couldn't Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2124 might shouldn't might shouldn't Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
England 2060 No ship of greate burdon shall mowe comme ... in the seid Haven. shall mowe Unknown Unknown England 1495 Written 1.0
Boertien 2126 must can't must can't Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2127 must oughtn't must oughtn't Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2128 may can't may can't Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 1285 might not ought might not ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2130 might can SUBJECT might can Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2096 might not should might not should Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2131 might ought SUBJECT might ought Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2097 might not would might not would Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2098 may not can may not can Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2099 might not had ought might not had ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2104 might couldn't might couldn't Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Feagin 734 He may not could afford it. may not could Male White 61 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) early 1970s acq Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Feagin 729 I may can trail you over. may can Female White 60 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Birmingham) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Feagin 730 We may can do a lotta things later on today. may can Female White 61 Unknown AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Feagin 731 He said he may can have these by the first of the month. may can Male White 29 Unknown AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Feagin 732 They may not can get help on Saturday. may not can Male White 65 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Feagin 733 Well, I may can catch it [=a bus]. may can Female White 15 Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Selma) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Feagin 735 If they’re not too busy, I might can. might can Female White 30s Unknown AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Feagin 736 They might can get more time. might can Female White 30s Unknown AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Feagin 737 Take your granddaddy, Ron. He might can tell ye! might can Male White Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Feagin 738 Well, you might can get what you want from them. might can Female White 50s Unknown AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Feagin 739 If you hear of anything we might can do, please let us know. might can Male White 50s Graduate school (Master's degree) MS (Unknown) AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 3.2 Naturalistic
Feagin 740 .. to find a doctor that might can do something. might can Female White Unknown Unknown AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
Feagin 741 We might not can come. might not can Female White Unknown Unknown AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Feagin 742 I mighta could, but I’m doing pretty well. might have could Female White 78 Unknown Unknown AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Feagin 745 Mr. Kershaw might could tell you ’bout that. might could Female White 61 Unknown AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Feagin 747 She might could tell you some’in. might could Female White 82 Unknown AL (Unknown) early 1970s acquaintance Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Montgomery 2004 If you can't do it there, we may could come there. may could Female White 55 College graduate Unknown AL (Tuscaloosa) c1993 Acquaintance to acquaintance. Spoken Naturalistic
Montgomery 2006 I'll tell you what you might can do. might can Female White 40 College (Some) Unknown SC (Columbia) 1994 Acquaintance to acquaintance. Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Montgomery 2022 One of our goals might ought to be to encourage non-member involvement. might ought to Male White 22 College graduate SC (Columbia) 1991 Acquaintance to acquaintances Spoken Naturalistic
Montgomery 1998 Some of what the church might can do is to offer a support program. might can Male White College graduate SC (Columbia) SC (Columbia) 1992 Acquaintance to acquaintances Spoken Naturalistic
Montgomery 1999 We have a library that might could be stocked wit material that might be helpful. might could Male White College graduate SC (Columbia) SC (Columbia) 1992 Acquaintance to acquaintances Spoken Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1407 Land may need not be paid for may need Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Austin) 1981 ad Written 1.0 Naturalistic
COCA 1060 Yeah, I'd be out the interest I might could've made on that money and the ten K, too, but I got the feeling your people had already spent most of it and were going to be strapped to come up... might could Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Novel 2003 adult to adult Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
Mishoe 57 Do you think there is a chance Wallace may can come? may can Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to neice Spoken 1.5 Naturalistic
Mishoe 93 Lance may will want corn instead of potatoes. may will Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 42 If we could might get a piece of a car, things would be better. could might Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 112 We wanted to come and we might possibly could have, but like everybody else, we got money worries. might could Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 113 If we're careful and if nothing else bad don't happen, we might can come in November. might can Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 24 We may can work something out. may can Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
