Table - See Overview for Filtering and Searching Explanation

source Entry Example Modal 1 Modal 2 Modal 3 Gender Race / Ethnicity Age Level of Educationsort descending Home Community, Town, or State Location Collected Year Relation to Addressee Medium Sentence Structure Status
Boertien 2099 might not had ought might not had ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 1286 Mightn’t we oughta do that? mightn't ought to Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2102 shouldn't SUBJECT ought shouldn't ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 1287 I shouldn’t oughta do that, should I? shouldn't ought to Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.8 Elicited
Boertien 2103 could SUBJECT may could might Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 1288 He must wouldn’t steal, would he? must wouldn't Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.8 Elicited
Boertien 2101 shouldn't SUBJECT ought shouldn't ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 1289 I might could do that, couldn’t I? might could Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.8 Elicited
Boertien 2104 might couldn't might couldn't Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 1290 Might ought you to’ve done that? might ought to Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2105 might wouldn't might wouldn't Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 1291 shouldn’t SUBJECT ought shouldn't ought to Female White 32 College Student TX (Matagorda City) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2107 might hadn't ought might hadn't ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 1292 You might ought to have done that, mightn’t you? might ought to Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.8 Elicited
Boertien 2137 might not could might not could Female White 32 College Student TX (Matagorda City) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2108 might not ought might not ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 1293 I might had oughta, hadn’t I? might had ought to Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.8 Elicited
Boertien 2138 might not should might not should Female White 32 College Student TX (Matagorda City) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2109 had SUBJECT might ought had might ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 1294 It scared him that he might could’ve been killed yesterday. might could Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.4 Elicited
Boertien 2139 might not can might not can Female White 32 College Student TX (Matagorda City) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2110 ought SUBJECT might had ought might had Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 1295 That I might could’ve done it yesterday excited me. might could Male White 30 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.4 Elicited
Boertien 2140 mightn't ought mightn't ought Female White 32 College Student TX (Matagorda City) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2111 should SUBJECT might ought should might ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2141 shouldn't SUBJECT ought shouldn't ought Female White 32 College Student TX (Matagorda City) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2112 ought SUBJECT might should ought might should Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2142 might not ought might not ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2107 might shouldn't ought might shouldn't ought Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2143 might not could might not could Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (U c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2113 might not ought might not ought Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2144 might not should might not should Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2083 They all might oughta do that. might ought to Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.0 Elicited
Boertien 2114 might not could might not could Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 1300 Might you oughtn’t to have done that? might oughtn't to Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
Boertien 2145 might not should ought might not should ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2084 They might all oughta do that. might ought to Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.0 Elicited
Boertien 2115 might not would might not would Male White 2 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2146 mightn't ought mightn't ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2085 Pledges might oughta all carry their pledge book with them at all times. might ought to` Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.0 Elicited
Boertien 2116 must not can must not can Male White 20s College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
LAMSAS 1630 might could might could Male White 18 College student VA (Back Bay) VA (Back Bay) 1936 fieldworker to informant Spoken
Boertien 2147 mightn't shouldn't ought mightn't shouldn't ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2086 John, I guess, may could do that. may could Female White 21 College Student TX (Beaumont) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.0 Elicited
Boertien 2117 must not ought must not ought Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
LAMSAS 1631 might can might can Male White 18 College student VA (Back Bay) VA (Back Bay) 1936 fieldworker to informant Spoken
Boertien 2148 shouldn't ought shouldn't ought White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2087 John might, I think, could do that. might could Male White 20 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 1.0 Elicited
Boertien 2118 must not would must not would Male White 21 College Student TX (San Antonio) TX (Unknown) c1980 Elicited
Boertien 2149 might SUBJECT ought might ought Female White 19 College Student TX (Dickenson) TX (Unknown) c1980 2.0 Elicited
DARE 879 I might could should write home. might could should Unknown Unknown c20 College undergraduate Unknown NC (Durham) 1989 Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
LAMSAS 1918 might could might could Male White 78 Common schools GA (Ellabell) GA (Ellabell) 1946 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1897 might could might could Male White 73 Common schools SC (Lancaster) SC (Lancaster) 1947 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1901 mought could mought could Male Black 73 Common schools SC (Newberry) SC (Newberry) 1946 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1902 might could might could Male Black 73 Common schools SC (Newberry) SC (Newberry) 1946 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1969 might could might could Male White 71 Common schools GA (Elberton) GA (Elberton) 1946 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1992 might could might could Male White 65 Country public school FL (St. Augustine) FL (St. Augustine) 1947 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1868 might could might could Male White 72 Country school SC (Hartsville) SC (Hartsville) 1947 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1932 might could might could Female White 86 Country school GA (Screven) GA (Screven) 1947 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1878 might could might could Female White 78 Country school SC (Patterson Mill) SC (Patterson Mill) 1947 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1911 might could might could Male White 58 Country school SC (Anderson) SC (Anderson) 1941 fieldworker to informant Spoken
Hasty 2132 Another thing we might could have on is the Neurontin. might could Doctoral degree Unknown Physician to patient Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
Hasty 2133 So you're kind of thinking about that, that might be something that might would help you? might would Doctoral degree Unknown Unknown Physician to patient 2.4 Naturalistic
Montgomery 2013 If I had copied out a passage, I might would have been able to show you a thing or two. might would Female White 55 Doctoral degree MS (Unknown) TN (Memphis) 1994 Friend Spoken Naturalistic
Montgomery 2014 I may have should have gone to another suit. may have should have Female White 46 Doctoral degree TN (Knoxville) TN (Nashville) 1994 Woman to family members Spoken Naturalistic
Hasty 2134 You know what might could help that is losing some weight. might could Doctoral degree Unknown Physician to patient Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Hern.&S 2027 He may might must can sing. may might must can Black Unknown Doctoral student at Emory University at time of interview IL (Chicago) IL (Chicago) 1.0 Elicited
LAMSAS 1816 might could might could Male White 54 Educated at Newfound, then 3 years at Haywood Institute NC (Lower Hominy) NC (Lower Hominy) 1936 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1701 might could might could Female White 60 Educated in Alligator NC (Alligator Township) NC (Alligator Township) 1936 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1804 might could might could Female White 52 Educated in Wilkesboro NC (Wilkesboro) NC (Wilkesboro) 1936 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1754 might could might could Female White 40 Educated in Wilson and Saratoga NC (Evansdale) NC (Evansdale) 1936 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAGS 433 Might could get a few of them cork stoppers. might could Male Black 64 Elementary school MS (Oxford) MS (Lafayette Springs) 1974 subject to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1431 So she mighta could driven that truck of yours. might have could Male White 12 Elementary School TX (Henderson) TX (Henderson,) 1980 interviewee to interviewer Spoken 1.0 Elicited
DiPaolo 1432 So she might've could driven that truck of yours. might've could Male White 11 Elementary School TX (Lamesa) TX (Lamesa) 1980 interviewee to interviewer Spoken 1.0 Elicited
DiPaolo 1433 So she might have couldn't, SO she might have couldn't drove that truck of yours might have couldn't Female White 11 Elementary School TX (Lamesa) TX (Lamesa) 1980 interviewee to interviewer Spoken 1.0 Elicited
DiPaolo 1434 She mighta, mighta coulda driven that truck of yours. might have could Male White 12 Elementary School TX (Lamesa) TX (Lamesa) 1980 interviewee to interviewer Spoken 1.0 Elicited
DiPaolo 1425 You might have oughta added some more salt. might have ought to Male White 12 Elementary School TX (Henderson) TX (Henderson,) interviewee to interviewer Spoken 1.0 Elicited
DiPaolo 1426 The pie might have oughta been done by five. might have ought to Male White 12 Elementary School TX (Henderson) TX (Henderson,) 1980 interviewee to interviewer Spoken 1.0 Elicited
COCA 1037 They used to wouldn't let you pay a guitar around partly because they called it sinful music- the devil's music, you know? used to wouldn't Male Black 80 Elementary School MS (Winona) Radio 1994 interviewee to interviewer Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
LAGS 299 I might can do that might can Male White 86 Elementary school (Some) GA (Chatsworth) GA (Chatsworth) 1968 subject to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
LAMSAS 1540 mought could mought could Male White 63 Four months only at age 14 or 15 WV (Panther) WV (Panther) 1940 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1603 mought could mought could Female White 61 From ages 6 to 15 VA (Friends Church) VA (Friends Church) 1936 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1562 mought could mought could Male White 78 From ages 8 to 11 MD (Ritchie) MD (Ritchie) 1939 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1925 might could might could Female White 58 Governess and 1 year boarding school GA (Valona) GA (Valona) 1947 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1834 might could might could Female White 65 Governess and summer school SC (Waccamaw Neck) SC (Waccamaw Neck) 1948 fieldworker to informant Spoken
Ginns 882 Now, they was all translated in the book from the way they told ’em. The way they told ’em, they was too rough to put down. Gosh They was rough Rough words in ’em. My grandfather told him some he... might could Male White c60 Grade School NC (Watauga County) 1982 Written 1.0
LAMSAS 1531 might could might could Male White 51 Grade school PA (Criders Church) PA (Criders Church) 1940 fieldworker to informant Spoken
DiPaolo 1335 We might should make up a list of things for the people to check on. might should Female Unknown unknown Graduate Unknown TX (Austin) 1979 woman to group (friends) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1307 I was thinking we might could (channel) Lewis in here sometime. might could Unknown Unknown unknown Graduate TX (Unknown) TX (Austin) friend to friend Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1369 I might can. See me Thursday. might can Female White unknown Graduate Unknown TX (Austin) 1980 friend to friend Written 1.0 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1406 Well, he could might do it. could might Female White unknown Graduate TX (Tyler) TX (Austin) teacher to student Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1315 I've got this chart we might could use. might could Female White unknown Graduate Unknown TX (Austin) woman to woman (friends) Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1389 You may can get that structure in German. . . may can Male White unknown Graduate Unknown TX (Austin) friend to friend Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1390 He may can tell you. may can Male White unknown Graduate Unknown TX (Austin) 1981 man to man Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1391 It may can be moved. may can Unknown Unknown unknown Graduate Unknown TX (Austin) 1976 unknown Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Reed 2063 We might ought to try turpentine. might ought to Male White 67 Graduate (Master's Degree) LA (Vivian) Television 2013 husband to wife Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Reed 1057 I might should have run that by them. might should Male White 39 Graduate (Master's Degree) TX (Houston) Television interview 2012 man to group Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2218 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown FL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2219 may will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2220 may will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
