POSTED MAY 21, 2006.

Millie - Speakeasy - Street Scene

Scene begins on city street - full surround of buildings. Actors approach SL city profile unit (this unit has the Hotel Desk scene on other side). They knock on building. Slot opens and voice askes for password. Door in building opens - actors enter building.

Millie - Speakeasy - Interior

After actors enter building. Speakeasy set moves on.

SR upstage city profile unit track off to out of sightline. SL city panel opens four feet toward SL. This reveals sliding board entrance to Speakeasy. Actors appear to walk across tops of buildings (on a seven foot high platform masked by buildings). They slide down into the Speakeasy.

Speakeasy is in a cellar space and is very make-shift. Bar is planks over two barrels at SR. Actors sit on barrels and crates. Industrial hooded lights overhead. Speakeasy roughness contrasts with Cafe Society slickness.

Millie - Speakeasy Ground Plan