POSTED July 20, 2006.

New Idea
Book Unit Buildings and Masking Doors replace two of the tracked units

Cost of track and hardware as well as labor time for rigging multiple tracks at the 2nd portal may be able to be avoided. What if the smaller sliding building profiles on the downstage side of the 2nd portal were stand alone book units. They would be preset before the house opens. They play throughout the opening sequence to establish New York City surround. Since they are self standing, they can be positioned to reduce the visible black masking area that Michael Barnard is concerned with. Units are struck by actors at the end of the opening sequence and only return of the end of the show -- if at all.

Select Book Unit Idea to look at this idea.

The other track on the down stage side of the 2nd portal was to slide off a black masking flat that reveals the elevator on SL and the hotel on SR. What if instead of a sliding panel - the panel was two flats hinged together. Actors simply open the panels like a door.

Select Door Masking Idea to look at this idea.