
Proceedings Book

* denotes special session on the neurobiology of language.

March 21  

9:00 - 11:00 - Session 1

Should psycholinguistics ignore the language of the brain?*
Peter Hagoort
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

Sentence type effects in Granger causality analysis of MEG/EEG signal*
David Caplan,  David Gow,  Reid Vancelette,  Alexander Conrad Nied

The P600 indexes rational error correction within a noisy-channel model of human communication*
Edward Gibson1,  Laura Stearns2,  Leon Bergen1,  Marianna Eddy1,  Evelina Fedorenko1
1MIT, 2Wellesley College

11:30 - 1:00 -  Session 2

To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail: How explicit lexical predictions influence sentence processing – an ERP study*
Jakub Szewczyk1 and Herbert Schriefers2
1Jagiellonian University, 2Radboud University

Exploring representations of event duration in language*
Gitte Joergensen and Silvia Gennari
University of York

Bi-directional structural priming between mathematics and language
Christoph Scheepers1 and Patrick Sturt2
1University of Glasgow, 2University of Edinburgh

1:00 - 2:15 - Lunch and Eyetracking Workshop

2:15 - 4:00 - Session 3

Building meanings in theory vs. in the brain*
Liina Pylkkänen
New York University

Teasing apart coercion and surprisal: Evidence from ERPs and eye-movements
Francesca Delogu,  Heiner Drenhaus,  Matthew Crocker
Saarland University

The experiments that we finished: Structural separation reduces the cost of coercion
Matthew W. Lowder and Peter C. Gordon
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

4:30 - 6:30 - Session 4

Going the distance: Pronoun resolution relies on direct-access retrieval from memory
Stephani Foraker and Bryan Wight
SUNY College at Buffalo

Individual differences in anaphoric processing: Insights from mouse-tracking
Elsi Kaiser and Alexis Harper
University of Southern California

Contributions of declarative memory to on-line reference resolution: Findings from amnesia
Sarah Brown-Schmidt1,  Jake Kurczek2,  Melissa Duff2
1U of Illinois, 2U of Iowa

When timing is (almost) everything: Referential dynamics in parent-child interactions
John Trueswell1,  Yi Lin1,  Erica Cartmill2,  Benjamin Armstrong1,  Susan Goldin-Meadow2,  Lila Gleitman1
1Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2Univ. of Chicago

6:30 - 8:30 - Poster Session 1

March 22  

9:00-10:45 - Session 5

Predicting meaning: What the brain tells us about the architecture of language comprehension*
Gina Kuperberg
Tufts University

Language processing in schizophrenia: Top-down & bottom-up effects*
Hugh Rabagliati1,  Nate Delaney-Busch2,  Jesse Snedeker1,  Gina Kuperberg2
1Harvard University, 2Tufts University

Predicting the foreseeable future: MEG evidence for preactivation of predicted words*
Tal Linzen,  Joseph Fruchter,  Masha Westerlund,  Alec Marantz
New York University

11:15 - 12:45 - Session 6

Interference in covert dependencies
Ming Xiang1,  Yanling Cui2,  Suiping Wang2
1University of Chicago, 2South China Normal University

Trainability and selective transferability of conflict resolution skills to parsing and non-parsing domains
Erika Hussey,  Susan Teubner-Rhodes,  Alan Mishler,  Isaiah Harbison,  Jared Novick
University of Maryland

The (un)automaticity of syntactic processing in language production: Structural priming is disrupted by verbal memory load
Iva Ivanova,  Liane Wardlow Lane,  Tamar Gollan,  Victor Ferreira

12:45 - 2:45 - Lunch and Poster Session 2

2:45 - 4:30 - Session 7

Domain-specific vs. domain-general mechanisms in language learning and processing*
Evelina Fedorenko

Individual differences in verbal working memory predict reanalysis vs. integration difficulty in syntax-semantics conflict scenarios*
Leif Oines,  Akira Miyake,  Albert Kim
University of Colorado Boulder

Incremental parsing, gapping, and connectives
Masaya Yoshida1,  Katy Carlson2,  Michael Walsh Dickey3
1Northwestern University, 2Morehead State University, 3University of Pittsburgh

5:00 - 7:15 - Session 8

Word order affects the time-course of sentence formulation in Tzeltal
Elisabeth Norcliffe,  Agnieszka E. Konopka,  Penelope Brown,  Stephen C. Levinson
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

The role of interactivity on cognitive alignment and decision making during dialogue
Moreno I. Coco1,  Rick Dale2,  Frank Keller1
1University of Edinburgh, 2University of California (Merced)

Motor plans and linguistic perspective in action sentences: A causal role in comprehension
Madeleine Beveridge1,  Daniel Casasanto2,  Roberto Bottini2,  Martin Pickering3
1University of Edinburgh, 2New School for Social Research, New York, 3

Perspective taking in online language processing
Xiaobei Zheng and Richard Breheny
Department of Linguistics, UCL

March 23  

9:00 - 10:45 - Session 9

Patient studies of language in the modern era*
Julius Fridriksson
University of South Carolina

Sentential context modulates early phases of visual word recognition*
Vicky Lai1,  Albert Kim2,  James McQueen3
1Neurobiology of Language Department, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen; Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, 2Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Colorado Boulder, 3Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour; Centre for Cognition, and Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen; Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen

Partially activated words participate in combinatory semantic interpretation during sentence processing
Sarah Johnstone,  John Trueswell,  Delphine Dahan
University of Pennsylvania

11:15 - 12:45 - Session 10

Syntactic priming in comprehension: Priming "early" closure
Matt Traxler,  Megan Boudewyn,  Tamara Swaab
UC Davis

Local coherence and digging-in effects in German
Dario Paape,  Shravan Vasishth,  Titus von der Malsburg
University of Potsdam

Task effects on prosodic prominence
Andrés Buxó-Lugo,  Joe Toscano,  Duane Watson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

12:45 - 2:45 - Lunch and Poster Session 3

2:45 - 4:30 - Session 11

I remember connectionism*
Mark Seidenberg
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Grammatical constraints on phonological encoding in speech production
Jordana Heller and Matthew Goldrick
Northwestern University

More than words: The effect of multi-word frequency and constituency on phonetic duration
Inbal Arnon1 and Uriel Cohen Priva2
1University of Haifa, 2Brown University

5:00 - 7:00 - Session 12

Syntactic adaptation: Converging on the statistics of the linguistic environment
Alex Fine1,  Thomas Farmer2,  T. Florian Jaeger1
1University of Rochester, 2University of Iowa

Direct experience versus abstract knowledge in linguistic processing
Emily Morgan and Roger Levy

A rational inference approach to aphasic language comprehension
Edward Gibson1,  Chaleece Sandberg2,  Evelina Fedorenko1,  Swathi Kiran2
1MIT, 2Boston University

Comprehension and acquisition of contrastive prosody: Rational inference helps adults and children cope with noisy input
Chigusa Kurumada1,  Meredith Brown2,  Michael Tanenhaus2
1Stanford University, 2University of Rochester

March 21  

Poster Session 1

Processing of novel compounds in adults and children: One word or two?
Yuki Hirose1,  Takefumi Ohki1,  Reiko Mazuka2
1The University of Tokyo, 2RIKEN Brain Science Institute

Thee, uhh, role of discourse status in three-year-olds' understanding of disfluent utterances
Sarah Owens and Susan Graham
University of Calgary

Processing effects on grammar acquisition: Evidence from an artificial language study
Lucia Pozzan,  Lila Gleitman,  John Trueswell
University of Pennsylvania

Can anaphoric dependencies be primed across languages? Evidence from Italian-English bilinguals
Emily Fedele,  Elsi Kaiser,  Maria Luisa Zubizarreta
University of Southern California

Children's and adults' processing of noun phrase conjunctions: An eye-tracking study
Justine VanDyke-Lyon1,  Lapching Keung2,  Fernanda Ferreira2
1University of North Carolina, 2University of South Carolina

The online processing of the Japanese anaphoric expressions zibun-zisin and kare
Atsushi Yuhaku1 and Satoru Nakai2
1Ritsumeikan University, 2Doshisha University

Resolving temporary referential ambiguity using presupposed content
Jacopo Romoli1,  Manizeh Khan2,  Yasutada Sudo3,  Jesse Snedeker2
1Macquarie University, 2Harvard University, 3Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS/ENS

Coherence expectations underlie parallelism effects for conjoined clauses
Laura Kertz and Corey Cusimano
Brown University

Effects of event-structure and topic/focus-marking on pronoun reference in Korean
Kitaek Kim,  Theres Grüter,  Amy Schafer
University of Hawai'i

Clause structure matters: The role of left dislocations and clefts in pronoun resolution
Barbara Hemforth1,  Israel de la Fuente Velasco2,  Saveria Colonna3,  Sarah Schimke4
1LLF, CNRS, Paris Diderot, 2LLF, CNRS, Paris Diderot, Labex EFL, 3SFL, CNRS, Paris 8, 4University of Osnabrück

Online sensitivity to structural constraints on bound variable anaphora
Ian Cunnings1,  Clare Patterson2,  Claudia Felser2
1University of Edinburgh, 2University of Potsdam

Syntactic prominence in the processing of reference: Does subordination matter?
Wei Cheng,  Jenn Olejarczyk,  Amit Almor
University of South Carolina

Figuring out Kafka: Structural biases induce early sense commitment for metonyms
Joel Fishbein and Jesse Harris
Pomona College

Walking the walk and talking the talk, and perceptually simulating both while reading
Mallory Stites and Kiel Christianson
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Can the bucket be kicked by him? – The processing of passivized idiomatic and literal sentences
Laura Dörre and Eva Smolka
University of Konstanz

Listen to the hand: Gestures shape the comprehension of ambiguous pronouns
Stephani Foraker and Megan Delo
SUNY College at Buffalo

The Action-Sentence Compatibility Effect in American Sign Language
Kristen Secora1 and Karen Emmorey2
1San Diego State University and University of California at San Diego, 2San Diego State University

Case-marking affects word order: Evidence from the gesture paradigm
Eunice Lim,  Evelina Fedorenko,  Edward Gibson

Grammatical role primes spatial attention
Timothy W. Boiteau and Amit Almor
University of South Carolina

Weak and strong definites in sign language
Thais Sá,  Guilherme Lourenço de Souza,  Maria Luiza Cunha Lima
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

What happened (and what didn't): Discourse constraints on alternative sets
Scott Fraundorf,  Aaron Benjamin,  Duane Watson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Implicit prosody and contextual bias in silent reading
Katherine McCurdy1,  Gerrit Kentner2,  Shravan Vasishth3
1European Master in Clinical Linguistics (EMCL), 2Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 3Universität Potsdam

How focus particles like 'only' hamper the rejection of contrastive alternatives
Nicole Gotzner1,  Katharina Spalek1,  Isabell Wartenburger2
1Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Collaborative Research Centre "Information Structure", 2Universität Potsdam, Collaborative Research Centre "Information Structure"

The effect of predictability in elided vs. non-elided constituents
Alex Fine  and  Jeff Runner
University of Rochester

Accents and boundaries both affect attachment
Katy Carlson
Morehead State University

What counts as given?: Deaccenting and givenness effects in spoken comprehension
Eun-Kyung Lee1,  Tuan Lam2,  Duane Watson3
1Harvard University, 2Northwestern University, 3University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Effects of distal prosody on perceived word stress and syntactic ambiguity resolution
Nina Gumkowski1 and Mara Breen2
1Haskins Laboratories, 2Mount Holyoke College

A new look at negative sentence verification
Ye Tian1,  Richard Breheny1,  Heather Ferguson2
1University College London, UK, 2University of Kent, UK

The hypothetical property of "if"-statements: A visual-world paradigm eye-tracking study
Likan Zhan,  Stephen Crain,  Peng Zhou
Macquarie University

Implicatures in uncooperative contexts: Evidence from a visual world paradigm
Anna Pryslopska
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, SFB 833

Focus inhibits free associates
Mary Byram Washburn,  Elsi Kaiser,  Maria Luisa Zubizarreta
University of Southern California

Incremental computation of scalar implicatures: An ERP study
Les Sikos,  Sam Tomlinson,  Hilary Traut,  Daniel Grodner
Swarthmore College

Stress position congruency hinders word production: Evidence from the picture-word interference paradigm
Claudio Mulatti1,  Simone Sulpizio2,  Remo Job2
1University of Padua, 2University of Trento

Lexical differentiation in language production and comprehension
Si On Yoon and Sarah Brown-Schmidt
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Does message similarity facilitate sentence formulation?
Agnieszka Konopka1,  Stefanie Kuchinsky2,  Antje Meyer3
1Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics; Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behavior, 2Medical University of South Carolina, 3Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics; Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Incremental planning of complex noun phrases in sentence production
Maureen Gillespie1,  Victor S. Ferreira2,  T. Florian Jaeger3
1University of New Hampshire, 2University of California San Diego, 3University of Rochester

Modeling word duration in language production
Andrés Buxó-Lugo,  Dominique Simmons,  Duane Watson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

How do speakers think for speaking in a VOS language?
Takuya Kubo1,  Manami Sato1,  Hajime Ono2,  Hiromu Sakai1
1Hiroshima University, 2Kinki University

Comparing measures of word confusability and their effect on speech production
Esteban Buz and T. Florian Jaeger
University of Rochester

Structure selection during sentence production: A role for executive control?
Maartje van de Velde1,  Agnieszka E. Konopka1,  Antje S. Meyer2
1MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, 2MPI for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University, Nijmegen

Effects of animacy on processing relative clauses in older and younger adults
Gayle DeDe
University of Arizona

Effects of syntactic complexity in an incremental sentence/sentence dual task
Joshua Levy1 and William Evans2
1University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2Boston University

Verbal WM capacities in sentence comprehension: Evidence from aphasia
Yingying Tan1,  Randi Martin1,  Julie Van Dyke2
1Rice University, 2Haskins Laboratories

Modeling individual differences in processing deficits in aphasia
Umesh Patil,  Sandra Hanne,  Shravan Vasishth,  Frank Burchert
University of Potsdam

Parasitic gaps inside subject islands in (non-)native sentence processing: Evidence from eye movements during reading
Oliver Boxell and Claudia Felser
University of Potsdam

Aspectual interpretation and increment size: A cross-linguistic eyetracking study
Oliver Bott and Anja Gattnar
SFB 833, Tübingen University

Dissociating reanalysis and semantic reinterpretation during garden-path recovery
Gunnar Jacob and Claudia Felser
Potsdam Research Institute for Multilingualism, University of Postdam

Filler complexity in wh-extractions from islands and non-islands
Constantin Freitag and Sophie Repp
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Agreement violations in Arabic: Qualitative ERP differences between singular and plural subjects
R. Muralikrishnan1 and Ali Idrissi2
1New York University Abu Dhabi, 2UAE University Al Ain

Acceptability of grammatical and ungrammatical doubly nested relative clause structures in Spanish: some evidence in favor of usage-based approaches.
Florencia Reali
Universidad de los Andes

Retrieval respects crossover
Dave Kush,  Colin Phillips,  Jeff Lidz
University of Maryland, College Park

The interpretation of elided reflexives in children and adults
Sharese King1 and Jeffrey Runner2
1Stanford University, 2University of Rochester

Effects of ‘long-before-short’ on processing of canonical and scrambled order in Japanese
Katsuo Tamaoka1,  Chi Yui Leung1,  Sachiko Kiyama2
1Nagoya University, 2National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology

Resumption can rescue after all: Islands and relative clauses in Italian and English
Andrea Beltrama and Ming Xiang
University of Chicago

A connectionist model of Mandarin relative clause processing asymmetries
Yaling Hsiao and Maryellen MacDonald
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Effects of verb meaning on lexical integration in agrammatic aphasia*
Jennifer Mack,  Woohyuk Ji,  Cynthia Thompson
Northwestern University

Similarity-based interference is required for the LIFG effect of object extraction: Evidence from MEG
Kimberly Leiken and Liina Pylkkänen
New York University

MEG evidence for neural mechanisms in the reading of Chinese compounds*
Chun-Hsien Hsu and Chia-Ying Lee
Academia Sinica

What does the left prefrontal cortex do for sentence production? Evidence from tDCS*
Nazbanou Nozari1,  Jennifer Arnold2,  Sharon Thompson-Schill1
1University of Pennsylvania, 2University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill

Chinese aphasic patients’ comprehension deficits with discourse-related constructions*
Honglei Wang
Beihang University

Distinguishing two routes to silent meaning in the brain*
E. Matthew Husband1 and Fernanda Ferreira2
1University of Oxford, 2University of South Carolina

Events along the garden path: A reduced N400 and a P600 in semantically reversible discourse*
Gina Kuperberg and Kristina Fanucci

March 22  

Poster Session 2

Discourse-driven biases in native- vs non-native speakers' coreference processing
Theres Grüter1,  Hannah Rohde2,  Amy J. Schafer1
1University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2University of Edinburgh

Online processing of English garden-path sentences by L2 learners: A visual world study
Lucia Pozzan and John Trueswell
University of Pennsylvania

Word order and interference in online gap-filling by bilinguals
Irina Sekerina
College of Staten Island and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Syntactic constraints in the processing of wh-movement by L2 learners
Adrienne Johnson,  Alonso Canales,  Rob Fiorentino,  Alison Gabriele
University of Kansas

Unfolding an event differently: An ERP study on L1 and L2 processing of grammatical aspect
Shengyan Long,  Manami Sato,  Hiromu Sakai
Hiroshima University

Predictive use of case marking during sentence comprehension: An eye-tracking study of Turkish-speaking children (and adults)
Duygu Özge1,  Aylin Küntay2,  Jesse Snedeker3
1Koç University & Harvard University, 2Koç University, 3Harvard University

Sarcasm: Do you hear it now?
Sara Peters1,  Kathryn Wilson2,  Amit Almor2
1Newberry College, 2University of South Carolina

L2 processing of Arabic derivational morphology
Suzanne Freynik and Polly O'Rourke
University of Maryland

Referential ambiguity and pronoun resolution: Evidence from pupillometry
Manizeh Khan and Jesse Snedeker
Harvard University

The effect of phrase length on the form of referring expressions
Hossein Karimi1,  Kumiko Fukumura2,  Martin Pickering3,  Fernanda Ferreira1
1University of South Carolina, 2University of Strathclyde, 3University of Edinburgh

The myth of the Overt Pronoun Constraint in Spanish
Carlos Gelormini1,  David Huepe2,  Eduar Herrera3,  Timothy W. Boiteau4,  Margherita Melloni1,  Facundo Manes5,  Adolfo Garcia6,  Agustin Ibañez1
1Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience (LPEN), Institute of Cognitive Neurology (INECO), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2Laboratory of Cognitive and Social Neuroscience, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, 3Universidad Autónoma del Caribe, Barranquilla, Colombia, 4University of South Carolina, 5Institute of Cognitive Neurology (INECO), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 6Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)

What types of lexical information are reaccessed during pronoun processing?
Sol Lago1,  Shayne Sloggett2,  Wing yee Chow1,  Colin Phillips1
1University of Maryland, 2University of Massachusetts Amherst

Disfluency primes
Sarah Brown-Schmidt
University of Illinois

Contextual effects on the comprehension of speaker corrections: An ERP study
Justine VanDyke-Lyon1,  E. Matthew Husband2,  Fernanda Ferreira1,  Nathan D. Maxfield3
1University of South Carolina, 2University of Oxford, 3University of South Florida

Lexical disambiguation using parafoveal information
Rukshin Shaher and Shravan Vasishth
University of Potsdam

Morphological activation during spoken word recognition in Hebrew
Daphna Heller1 and Avital Deutsch2
1University of toronto, 2Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Predictability and prediction: Are upcoming words pre-activated during sentence reading?
Wonil Choi and Peter Gordon
Dept of Psychology, UNC-CH

The influence of context information on vocabulary acquisition in reading
Randy Lowell1 and Robin Morris2
1University of South Carolina Union, 2University of South Carolina

Lexical clustering in efficient language design
Kyle Mahowald1,  Steven T. Piantadosi2,  Edward Gibson1
1MIT, 2University of Rochester

A new account of spillover effects in reading: Evidence from parafoveal masking
Michael Shvartsman1,  Richard Lewis1,  Satinder Singh2
1Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, 2Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan

Auditory confusability vs. phonological neighborhood in language production
Susanne Gahl1 and Julia Strand2
1UC Berkeley, 2Carleton College

How modular is lexical category disambiguation?
Peter Baumann
Northwestern University

Speaker distraction interrupts prosodic cues to discourse status
Jennifer E. Arnold,  Giulia C. Pancani,  Elise C. Rosa
UNC Chapel Hill

Consequences of ‘music to one’s ears’: Structural integration priming from music to language
Mythili Menon and Elsi Kaiser
University of Southern California

Rapid adaptation in the pragmatic interpretation of contrastive prosody
Chigusa Kurumada
 1,  Meredith Brown2,  Michael K. Tanenhaus2
1Stanford University,  2University of Rochester

Predicting upcoming words but not semantic features: Evidence from ERPs*
Nayoung Kwon1,  Pan Liu2,  Patrick Sturt3
1Konkuk University, 2Nanyang Technological University, 3University of Edinburgh

Self or other: Interplay of verb biases and syntactic constraints during reflexive processing
Xiao He and Elsi Kaiser
University of Southern California

Expectation adaptation for clustering of syntactic structures
Mark Myslín and Roger Levy
University of California, San Diego

How speakers trade accuracy for speed when producing subject-verb agreement
Laurel Brehm and Kathryn Bock
University of Illinois- Beckman Institute

Recent experience changes production preferences in the face of semantic biases
Victor Ferreira and Liane Wardlow
UC San Diego

Advance planning of verbs in head-final language production
Shota Momma1,  Robert Slevc2,  Colin Phillips1
1University of Maryland, Department of Linguistics, 2University of Maryland, Department of Psychology

Silent structures in ellipsis: Evidence from syntactic priming
Ming Xiang,  Julian Grove,  Jason Merchant,  Genna Vegh,  Stefan Bartell,  Katina Vradelis
University of Chicago

Planning units in Tagalog sentence production: Evidence from eye tracking
Sebastian Sauppe1,  Elisabeth Norcliffe2,  Agnieszka E. Konopka2,  Robert D. Van Valin3,  Stephen C. Levinson2
1Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen; International Max Planck Research School for Language Sciences, Nijmegen, 2Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, 3Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf; Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen

The upside of not having a syntactic choice: Effects of syntactic flexibility on Korean production
Heeju Hwang and Elsi Kaiser
University of Southern California

Towards the understanding of the correspondence relationship between language-related ERP components and oscillatory activities
Hiroaki Oishi,  Nobuyuki Jincho,  Reiko Mazuka
RIKEN Brain Science Institute

Are our eyes really faster than our brains? Aligning eye-tracking and ERP time estimates
Wing Yee Chow1,  Colin Phillips1,  Suiping Wang2
1University of Maryland, 2South China Normal University

Eyetracking evidence for the subject relative advantage in Mandarin
Lena Jäger1,  Shravan Vasishth1,  Zhong Chen2,  Chien-Jer Charles Lin3
1University of Potsdam, Germany, 2Cornell University, 3Indiana University

Discourse accessibility and structural bias: Processing D-linked phrases in sluices
Jesse Harris
Pomona College

New evidence on D-linking
Grant Goodall
UC San Diego

Hidden factors in the production of grammaticality judgments
Gisbert Fanselow1,  Jana Häussler1,  Thomas Weskott2
1University of Potsdam, 2University of Göttingen

The underlying cognitive components of sentence processing: Not all P600s are alike
Polly O'Rourke
University of Maryland, Center for the Advanced Study of Language

The processing of raising and nominal control
Patrick Sturt1 and Nayoung Kwon2
1University of Edinburgh, 2Konkuk University

Biases in resolving wh-dependencies in a hybrid language
Dustin Chacón and Colin Phillips
University of Maryland

Argument-structure driven parsing in Tagalog
Michael Frazier and Masaya Yoshida
Northwestern University

Effects of syntactic complexity and animacy on the initiation times for head-final relative clauses
Charles Lin
Indiana University

Collectivity and concreteness in optional Persian number agreement
Aazam Feizmohammadpour and Wind Cowles
University of Florida

Number agreement without surface syntax
Ming Xiang and Genna Vegh
University of Chicago

Predictability effects of case-marking on direct objects: Evidence from Romanian
Sofiana Chiriacescu
University of Köln

The locus and nature of the object-extracted relative clause penalty
Jeffrey Witzel and Kenneth Forster
University of Texas Arlington

Who did what to whom? An investigation of syntactic reanalysis in English and Mandarin
Yi Ting Huang1,  Xiangzhi Meng2,  Kathryn Leech1
1University of Maryland College Park, 2Peking University

The use of non-structural cues in reflexive resolution: Evidence from eye-tracking
Lena Benz1,  Lena Jäger1,  Shravan Vasishth1,  Philip Hofmeister2
1University of Potsdam, 2University of Essex

Highs and lows in English attachment
Nino Grillo1,  Andrea Santi2,  Bruno Fernandes1,  João Costa1
1Centro de Linguística da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2University College London

Illusory NPI licensing: Now you see it, now you don’t
Dan Parker,  Glynis MacMillan,  Colin Phillips
University of Maryland

Information structure and the 'height' of ellipsis
Timothy Dozat1 and Jeffrey Runner2
1Stanford University, 2University of Rochester

Here comes the subject: Listeners use number-marked verbs to predict subject number
Cynthia Lukyanenko and Cynthia Fisher
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

An ACT-R model interfacing eye movements with parsing
Felix Engelmann,  Shravan Vasishth,  Ralf Engbert,  Reinhold Kliegl
University of Potsdam

Form-based syntactic expectations affect the duration of early fixations in reading
Thomas Farmer1,  Klinton Bicknell2,  Michael Tanenhaus3
1Department of Psychology and DELTA Center, University of Iowa, 2Department of Psychology, University of California—San Diego, 3Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, University of Rochester

Electrophysiological response to manipulation of syntactic expectations
Joe Kirkham,  Chelsea Guerra,  Edith Kaan
University of Florida

Effects of verb bias and syntactic ambiguity on reading in people with aphasia*
Gayle DeDe
University of Arizona

The role of the left anterior temporal lobe in semantic memory vs. sentence processing*
Masha Westerlund1,  Doug Bemis2,  Liina Pylkkänen1
1New York University, 2CEA_INSERM Neurospin

Semantic similarity-based competition in sentence production and comprehension*
Gina Humphreys1 and Silvia Gennari2
1University of Manchester, 2University of York

Rethinking the functional significance of early negativity*
Lisa Rosenfelt,  Robert Kluender,  Marta Kutas
UC, San Diego

March 23  

Poster Session 3

Subject relative clauses versus object relative clauses: Difference among adults and children
Yuki Hirose1 and Reiko Mazuka2
1The University of Tokyo, 2RIKEN Brain Science Institute

Levels of syntactic representation in bilingualism
Guadalupe de los Santos and Julie Boland
University of Michigan

Preschool-aged children process words and sentences talker-contingently
Sarah Creel
UC San Diego

Baseball bats and butterflies: Context effects on pragmatic inferencing in adults and children
Yi Ting Huang and Alix Kowalski
University of Maryland College Park

The abstraction of syntax by fits and starts
Nick Gruberg,  Liane Wardlow,  Victor Ferreira
UC San Diego

The time course of filler-gap dependency processing in the developing parser
Emily Atkinson,  Katherine Simeon,  Akira Omaki
Johns Hopkins University

Can subset principles guide L2-Chinese learners to unlearn the inverse scope? Evidence from self-paced reading
Liyuan Li and Fuyun Wu
Shanghai International Studies University

L1/L2 differences in processing verbal vs. adjectival short passive constructions
Damon Tutunjian and Marianne Gullberg
Lund University

The interplay of discourse and structural constraints on referential processing: An ERP study
Nayoung Kwon1 and Patrick Sturt2
1Konkuk University, 2University of Edinburgh

Assessing the on-line application of binding constraints without gender stereotype
Kellan Head1 and Jeffrey Runner2
1Teach for America, 2University of Rochester

Contextual referent predictability affects optional subject omission in Russian
Ekaterina Kravtchenko
University of California, Santa Cruz

What’s in a name? Lexical retrieval during visual object processing
Manizeh Khan,  Whitney Fitts,  Jesse Snedeker
Harvard University

Anaphors influence memory for plural antecedents
Nikole Patson
The Ohio State University at Marion

Competitors chosen by null pronouns in Brazilian Portuguese: Evidence from eye movements
Elisangela Nogueira Teixeira,  Maria Elias Soares,  Maria-Cristina Fonseca
niversidade Federal do Ceara

Argument identity impacts predictions faster than argument roles
Wing Yee Chow, Cybelle Smith, Glynis MacMillan, Colin Phillips
University of Maryland

Indefinite NPs introduce new referents but not immediately
Maria Luiza Cunha Lima1,  Amit Almor2,  Evgenia Borschevskaya2,  Timothy W. Boiteau2
1Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2University of South Carolina

The cost of unexpected contrast: Processing let alone
Jesse Harris
Pomona College

Effects of novelty and givenness on acoustic reduction
Lap-Ching Keung and Jennifer E. Arnold
University of North Carolina -- Chapel Hill

Auditory priming affects planning and execution separately
Jason Kahn and Jennifer Arnold
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Form interference effects during silent reading
Iya Khelm,  Naoko Witzel,  Jeffrey Witzel
University of Texas Arlington

It’s probably porridge: The role of tonal probability in Mandarin lexical access
Seth Wiener and Kiwako Ito
The Ohio State University

Effects of context and individual differences on processing taboo words within sentences
Adina Raizen,  Cassie Palmer-Landry,  Kiel Christianson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Topic, empathy, and point of view
Laura Kertz and Corey Cusimano
Brown University

Frequency and distribution of some (but not all) implicatures
Judith Degen,  Christine Gunlogson,  Michael K. Tanenhaus
University of Rochester

Effects of speaker identity on processing rude and polite language: Evidence from eyetracking
James Nye,  Steven Luke,  Justine VanDyke-Lyon,  Fernanda Ferreira
University of South Carolina

Facial feedback and the real time comprehension of emotional language
Seana Coulson,  Joshua Davis,  Piotr Winkielman
UC San Diego

Shifting viewpoints: Free indirect discourse and sensitivity to perspective-taking
Elsi Kaiser,  Alexa Cohen,  Emily Fedele
University of Southern California

Sensitivity to local discourse vs. global communicative context in gradable adjectives
Christina Kim1,  Andrea Beltrama1,  Kristen Syrett2,  Ming Xiang1,  Chris Kennedy1
1University of Chicago, 2Rutgers University

Evidence for a rational probabilistic account of Gricean implicatures
Daniel Grodner1 and Benjamin Russell2
1Swarthmore College, 2Brown University

Visuospatial grouping influences expectations about upcoming discourse
Elsi Kaiser and David Cheng-Huan Li
University of Southern California

Objects and actions in dis-agreement
Jason Schoenberg and Heidi Lorimor
Bucknell University

Filling in the blanks in morphological productivity: A word-completion task
Kyle Mahowald,  Timothy O'Donnell,  Joshua Tenenbaum

How different levels of syntactic flexibility influence language production in Mandarin
Xin Zhao and Elsi Kaiser
University of Southern California

Implicit naming in the visual world paradigm
Daniel Pontillo,  Anne Pier Salverda,  Michael Tanenhaus
University of Rochester

Theory of mind drives efficient language production
Peter Graff1,  Zoe Snape1,  Jeremy Hartman2,  Edward Gibson1
1MIT, 2U Mass Amherst

Individual differences in reading styles and the use of implicit causality as a pronoun resolution cue
Arnout Koornneef and Ted Sanders
uil-ots, Utrecht University

Case licensing in processing: Evidence from German
Shayne Sloggett
UMass Amherst Linguistics

How bizarre: Sentence processing and memory
Peter C Gordon,  Matthew W. Lowder,  Miri Besken,  Neil Mulligan
UNC Chapel Hill

The parallel computation of phrasal and nonphrasal constituents: Evidence from embedded adjectives in compound nouns
Cara Tsang and Craig Chambers
University of Toronto


Individual differences in sentence processing: Separable effects of knowledge and processing skill
Peter C. Gordon,  Wonil Choi,  Renske S. Hoedemaker,  Matthew W. Lowder
UNC Chapel Hill

On the role of working memory capacity when prediction is not met: Evidence from NPI-processing 
Juliane Domke
Humboldt University

Working memory and syntactic islands revisited
Edward Gibson1 and Greg Scontras2
1MIT, 2Harvard

How specific should I be? The optimal amount of information in online language comprehension
Si On Yoon and Sarah Brown-Schmidt
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

The realization of scalar inferences: Context sensitivity without processing cost
Stephen Politzer-Ahles and Robert Fiorentino
University of Kansas

Eye movements reveal causes of delay in negative sentence processing
Ye Tian1,  Richard Breheny1,  Heather Ferguson2
1University College London, UK, 2University of Kent, UK

Predictive computations underlie the N400’s sensitivity to thematic role-reversals
Wing Yee Chow1,  Colin Phillips1,  Suiping Wang2
1University of Maryland, 2South China Normal University

How hugging differs from giving a hug: Syntax, semantics or mapping
Eva Wittenberg and Jesse Snedeker
Harvard University

Semantic effects on anaphor processing
Sara Peters1,  Timothy W. Boiteau2,  Amit Almor2
1Newberry College, 2University of South Carolina

Advantages of extending vs. mixing metaphors: An ERP study
Les Sikos1,  Paul Thibodeau2,  Cassandra Strawser1,  Frank Durgin1
1Swarthmore College, 2Stanford University / Trinity University

Lexically predicting visual features of word referents
Tristan Davenport,  Seana Coulson,  Vicky Tu,  Benjamin Bergen
University of California, San Diego

Semantic commitment in online verb processing
Nicholas Gaylord1,  Micah Goldwater2,  Colin Bannard1,  Katrin Erk1
1University of Texas at Austin, 2Northwestern University

Regeneration in verb phrase ellipsis resolution
Suzanne Belanger and Ron Smyth
University of Toronto

Two flavors of long distance dependency discerned through island effects
Dan Parker and Bradley Larson
University of Maryland

Feedback, risk sensitivity and response-contingent financial payoffs affect reading time for syntactically ambiguous sentences
Luis Chacartegui-Quetglas and Colin Bannard
The University of Texas at Austin

A rational account of regressions in syntactically complex sentences
Klinton Bicknell and Roger Levy
UC San Diego

Online filler-gap dependency formation and that-trace effect
Morgan Purrier,  Masaya Yoshida,  Lauren Ackerman,  Rebekah Ward
Northwestern University

The role of morphology in phoneme prediction: Evidence from MEG*
Allyson Ettinger,  Tal Linzen,  Alec Marantz
New York University

Verb-argument processing with and without event-related knowledge impairment*
Michael Walsh Dickey and Tessa Warren
University of Pittsburgh

MEG evidence for immediate reference resolution within a visual world*
Christian Brodbeck1 and Liina Pylkkänen2
1Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, NY, 2Departments of Psychology and Linguistics, New York University, New York, NY

Lexical processing and working memory in individuals with and without aphasia*
Maria Ivanova1,  Olga Dragoy2,  Svetlana Kuptsova1,  Anastasia Ulicheva3,  Anna Laurinavichyute4,  Lidia Petrova1
1Center of Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation, 2Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, 3University of Hong Kong, 4Higher School of Economics

Neural correlates of sentence plausibility in garden-path processing*
Dirk-Bart Den Ouden,  Svetlana Malyutina,  Victoria Sharpe
University of South Carolina


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