2020 SCAND Research Symposium
The 2020 SCAND Symposium is canceled until further notice.
Based on ongoing developments regarding the COVID-19 situation, the SCAND Planning Committee has decided it will be necessary to cancel the 2020 Symposium that was to be held on March 20, 2020 in Greenville, SC.
Universities throughout the state (and throughout the country) are moving to online instruction and others may make that decision soon as well. Given the possibility that we could lose our venue (and potentially A/V support, catering, etc.) with those closures as well as have decreased attendance as students stay home for online instruction following spring break, we recognize it will be necessary to cancel the meeting. We decided it would be best to make this decision now so that all participants can plan accordingly.
We are very hopeful that we can re-schedule in the future - possibly for a Fall meeting. We would love to maintain this great program, if that is possible. We will keep you posted via this email and the website when we know more.
Thank you so much for your interest and understanding.
-2020 SCAND Planning Committee
Program Outline
Keynote Address: Dr. Ami Klin
Director, Marcus Autism Center
Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar Professor
Division Chief of Autism and Developmental Disabilities
at Emory University School of Medicine
Research talks from across the state!
Afternoon Poster Session