Table - See Overview for Filtering and Searching Explanation

source Entry Example Modal 1 Modal 2 Modal 3 Gender Race / Ethnicitysort descending Age Level of Education Home Community, Town, or State Location Collected Year Relation to Addressee Medium Sentence Structure Status
Park 903 She may can. may can Unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) 1940 1.0
DiPaolo 1419 You might can see the pipes of the heater. might can Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown UT (Salt Lake City) 1984 unknown Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
England 984 Aw used to could a done it. used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Chester) 1.0
DiPaolo 1368 You better go slow, or I might not can follow you. might not can Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Rosenberg) unknown Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Scotland 1155 Do they need to can do it? need to can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 2.0
COCA 1083 " Well, " he replied cautiously, " What if they are? I suppose I might could perhaps have seen one of them before. " might could Male Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Story 1993 man to man Written 1.4 Naturalistic
Scotland 935 He mightnae could have done it. mightnae could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
DiPaolo 1402 You should oughta talk to both Financial Aid and (woman's name). should ought to Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Austin) person to woman Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DARE 872 We might could find some mackerel on the outer reef. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown FL (Gainesville) 1980 Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Brandstetter 1188 They might have been there. I might just couldn’t find them. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
COCA 1069 ... But you don't ever know what might could happen. might could Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Novel 1998 unknown Written 1.4 Naturalistic
Scotland 904 In a crisis, what would a wee lassie like that could dae for me? would could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (West Lothian) 1979 stranger Spoken 2.0 Naturalistic
England 985 Did you, when you used to could work? used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Lincolnshire) 2.3
Scotland 1156 Will they need to can drive a lorry to get that job? will need to can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 2.0
Butters 1228 I might should come over there. might should Female Unknown 45 Unknown Unknown NC (Durhamj) Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Scotland 936 He must no can do it. must no can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Brandstetter 1189 Well, it might not would bother you, I would guess. might not would Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) 1.4 Elicited
Carr 1245 We might could get the hall over Whittimore’s store, if we fail to get the other one. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown AR (Unknown) Spoken 1.3
DiPaolo 1340 How is it no one might not would notice that but (woman's name)? might not would Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Austin) 1979 friend to friend Spoken 2.4 Naturalistic
Jamaica 1210 Him mus’ can do it. must can Unknown Unknown Unknown Caribbean (Jamaica) Jamaica (Unknown) Unknown 1.0
Scotland 905 They should ought to make the rules clear. should ought to Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1975 1.0
DiPaolo 1420 You might could split it between the two Ls. might could Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown UT (Salt Lake City) 1984 unknown Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
England 986 Nobody seems to can understand it. seems to can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Leicester) 1.0
DiPaolo 1370 We might can go up there next Saturday. might can Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Austin) 1979 friend to friend Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Scotland 1157 You’ll no need to can do that. will no need to can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
COCA 1084 Berisarius suggested, " you might could say that we don't rightly know what he's done to poor Queen Artemisia. Could be he did torture her a little. " might could Male Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Novel 1993 man to man Written 1.4 Naturalistic
Scotland 937 He must can no do it. must can no Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
DiPaolo 1311 (You/Y'all) might could sign better. might could Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) TX (Austin) 1980 teacher to class Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1404 He may will come back down the other side of the street. may will Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Austin) 1979 friend to friend Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DARE 874 I might could go there tonight. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Perry County) 1954 1.0
Brandstetter 1190 Well, it might wouldn’t bother you, I would guess. might would Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) 1.4 Elicited
Nagle 2005 I may've could have put this pin through it. may have could Male Unknown Unknown Unknown SC (Myrtle Beach) 1992 Automobile mechanic t customer. Spoken Naturalistic
COCA 1027 We might ought to get you in a tub first. might ought to Male Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Novel 1993 father to son Written 1.0 Naturalistic
Combs 1246 I might could do it. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown KY (Unknown) KY (Unknown) 1.0
DiPaolo 1341 They might would pull out. might would Female Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Austin) 1979 woman to group Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
COCA 1010 Come on now woman, you might can tell it, but you can't change it. might can Male Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Story 1994 brother to sister Written 1.1 Naturalistic
COCA 1070 You might could use a little trim, too. might could Male Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Story 1996 worker to client Written 1.0 Naturalistic
Scotland 906 He used tae widnae let me up the brae. used to wouldnae Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (West Lothian) 1979 Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1421 I might could go down to the little town where I was born. might could Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown UT (Salt Lake City) 1983 unknown Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
England 987 Shay’d used to couldn’t sit nur stan’. used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Leicester) 1.0
DiPaolo 1371 Mrs. [woman's name] said we might not can find it. might not can Unknown Unknown unknown College (Graduate) Unknown TX (Austin) 1979 friend to friend Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Scotland 1158 He used to might visit us on Sundays. used to might Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
Butters 1229 You might ought to tie that tree from the other side. might ought to Male Unknown 45 Unknown Unknown NC (Durhamj) 1.0
Scotland 938 He mustnae can do it. mustnae can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
DiPaolo 1312 A few pointers that you might could use... might could Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown TX (Unknown) TX (Austin) 1980 teacher to class Spoken Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1405 C & F can might be classified together. can might Unknown Unknown 20s College Unknown TX (Austin) 1978 student to teacher Written 1.0 Naturalistic
DARE 875 "might could" = pasttense of "may can" might could Unknown Unknown Unknown KY (central southern) c1960
LAGS 386 Might just could be. might could Male Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown FL (Tomoka Farms) subject to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Brandstetter 1191 They might not could adapt it for use in their classes. might not could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) 1.0 Elicited
COCA 1028 "Might ought to tune this thing," he'd say. might ought to Male Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Novel 1990 man to man (with audience) Written 1.0 Naturalistic
Mashburn 1247 He might could see you today. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown GA (Unknown) Spoken 1.0
COCA 1071 Walter said. " Me and him might could be buddies. " might could Male Unknown teens Unknown Unknown Fictional Story 1996 friend to friend Written 1.0 Naturalistic
Scotland 907 He should can go tomorrow. should can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0 Naturalistic
England 989 I’d use to could du it in halfe the toime. used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Leicester) 1.0
Scotland 1159 He used to would drink black coffee late at night. used to would Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
COCA 1085 I could see what might could be slightly objectionable to some people. might could Male Unknown unknown Unknown GA (Atlanta) Newspaper 1993 interviewee to interviewer Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Montgomery 196 Things are going to be interesting next year. You might not can go to Poland. might not can Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown SC (Unknown) unknown Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Scotland 939 He shouldnae can come. shouldnae can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
Scotland 940 He should no can come. should no can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) Spoken 1.0
DiPaolo 1313 If you might could find a room that no one else is using at that time. might could Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Austin) 1980 secretary to instructor Spoken Naturalistic
Barrick 876 You won’t can go. will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown PN (Cumberland County) 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 127 They'll be running out real soon. So if y'all want some, you might should ought to run right on down there. might should ought to Male Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 disc jockey to on-air audience Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Brandstetter 1192 They might couldn’t adapt it for use in their classes. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) 1.0 Elicited
Scotland 957 They hæna cuid geate eane [=They have not been able to get one]. have could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (southern) 1.0
Mashburn 1248 He might can see you today. might can Unknown Unknown Unknown GA (Unknown) 1.0
COCA 1072 Actually we might could have, because over the years we've been such good customers for Discover that they've kept raising our limit as we've kept approaching it. might could Male Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Story 1996 interior monologue Written 1.3 Naturalistic
Scotland 908 He would could do it if he tried. would could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
England 990 He used couldn’t. used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Warwick) 1.0
DiPaolo 1373 If you can think of someone you might can sell some to... might can Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Austin) 1979 volunteer to person Spoken Naturalistic
Scotland 1160 Did they use to would drink black coffee late at night? used to would Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 2.0
F&B 1230 These supporting ideas may could have been put into separate paragraphs. may could Unknown Unknown College (Student at time of interview) Unknown NC (Unknown) Unknown Written 1.0
Montgomery 198 Sorry we don't carry them anymore, but you know, you may might can get one right over there at Wicks. might can Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown SC (Unknown) unknown Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Scotland 941 He should no could have come. should no could Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0
DiPaolo 1314 We might could work on it. might could Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Austin) 1980 secretary to instructor Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1407 Land may need not be paid for may need Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Austin) 1981 ad Written 1.0 Naturalistic
DARE 877 [Do you think you’ll go?] Might could. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown CO (Unknown) 1967 1.0
Brandstetter 1193 She might would like those, and he might, too. might would Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown TN (Unknown) 1.1 Elicited
Scotland 1244 If wey hæd cuid cum ... had could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (southern) 1.2
Mashburn 1249 He may can see you today. may can Unknown Unknown Unknown GA (Unknown) 1.0
DiPaolo 1344 I might would come by. might would Male Unknown unknown Unknown TX (Leander) TX (Austin, on phone) 1981 man to group Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
H&S 1211 See that drug store? You might coulda find it there. might could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Bahamas (Unknown) 1.0
Scotland 909 He’ll can get you one. will can Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Hawick) Scotland (Hawick) 1.0 Naturalistic
LAGS 420 I might could do that. might could Female Unknown unknown 8th grade GA (Savannah) GA (Savannah) 1972 unknown Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
England 991 I can’t do it now, but I used to could used to could Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown England (Warwick) 1.1
DiPaolo 1374 I would like for you now to ask questions of me or anyone else here who might can answer them. might can Male Unknown unknown College Unknown TX (Austin) 1973 man to group Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
Scotland 1161 He might should claim his expenses. might should Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Scotland (Unknown) 1.0
F&B 1231 She is not a victim because she might could have prevented it but did not try. might could Unknown Unknown College Student Unknown NC (Unknown) Written 1.8
LAMSAS 1801 might could might could Female White 40 High school graduate NC (Trinity Church) NC (Trinity Church) 1937 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAGS 705 Used to wouldn't. used to wouldn't Male White 77 Part of 9th grade GA (Lamar) GA (Lamar) 1977 subject to fieldworker Spoken unknown Naturalistic
LAMSAS 1556 might could might could Male White 41 Until age 17 MD (Benson) MD (Benson) 1939 fieldworker to informant Spoken
Montgomery 199 Do you think I might should just come up with another one? might should Female White 40s Graduate school (Some) NC (Unknown) SC (Unknown) Unknown Spoken 2.4 Naturalistic
LAGS 453 You might could have help me. might could Female White 65 7th grade LA (Pecan Island) LA (Pecan Island) 1977 subject to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
LAMSAS 1896 might could might could Male White 75 4th grade SC (Lancaster) SC (Lancaster) 1947 fieldworker to informant Spoken
Reed 2066 I might should've asked for fruit instead. might should Female White 31 Graduate school (Doctoral Degree) TN (Seymour) SC (Columbia) 2013 wife to husband Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
LAMSAS 1643 might could might could Male White 54 Until age 17 VA (Rice P.O.) VA (Rice P.O.) 1935 fieldworker to informant Spoken
Mishoe 41 When I came in, I thought I might woulda had some kind of chance, but I was wrong. might would Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 woman to unknown Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Coleman 1112 He might would have seen Morris this morning, if he had arrived on time. might would Unknown White Unknown Unknown NC (Unknown) 1975 1.3 Elicited
LAGS 547 I might used to call them. might used to Male White 63 9th grade GA (Blackshear) GA (Blackshear) 1969 subject to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1315 I've got this chart we might could use. might could Female White unknown Graduate Unknown TX (Austin) woman to woman (friends) Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
Feagin 801 I useta could play, too, but I couldn’t pick out nothin’! used to could Female White 77 6th grade AL (Unknown) AL (Unknown) 1972 Unknown Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
