Table - See Overview for Filtering and Searching Explanation

source Entry Example Modal 1 Modal 2 Modal 3 Gender Race / Ethnicity Age Level of Education Home Community, Town, or State Location Collected Year Relation to Addresseesort descending Medium Sentence Structure Status
Verilogue Corpus 2208 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2240 might would Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2209 might will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown WI Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2241 might will Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown FL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2210 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown KY Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2242 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AZ Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2211 might will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown MD Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2243 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2212 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown NC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2244 might should Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown FL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2213 may will Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown MA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2245 may can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2214 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2246 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown NE Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2215 may should Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown IN Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2247 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2216 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2248 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown NJ Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2217 may can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown GA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2218 might could Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown FL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2219 may will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2220 may will Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown SC Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2221 might can Female Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown KY Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2222 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown IN Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2190 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown AL Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2223 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown IN Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2191 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown TN Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2224 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown IN Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2192 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown CA Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2225 may would Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown MI Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
Verilogue Corpus 2193 might can Male Graduate Degree (MD) Unknown TX Doctor-Patient Spoken Naturalistic
COCA 1032 We have had some success in broadening our economic perspective to- with NAFTA and the GATT agreement and selling more of our products that we used to couldn't sell. used to couldn't Male White 47 Graduate school (Law degree) AR (Hope) Radio 1993 elected official to constituency Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
Skipper 184 We would might run maybe ten hams a week. would might Male White unknown Unknown Unknown SC (Unknown) elected official to TV cameras Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Elsman 815 This might would be too much, or maybe what we might not want to do, but ask teachers. might would Female White 30s College (Graduate) SC (Unknown) SC (Columbia) 2007 employee speaking to coworkers and supervisors Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Elsman 856 We would might want to take those out. would might Female White 26 Graduate school (Master's degree) IL (Unknown) SC (Unknown) 2007 employee to coworkers and supervisors Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Elsman 825 All third graders might not ... would have as much as fourth grade. might not would Female White 30s College (Graduate) SC (Unknown) SC (Columbia) 2007 employee to coworkers and supervisors Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Elsman 829 That would be another one that might could come into question. might could Female White 30s College (Graduate) SC (Unknown) SC (Columbia) 2007 employee to coworkers and supervisors Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Elsman 830 The expression that the TA uses might could mislead a child. might could Female White 30s College (Graduate) SC (Unknown) SC (Columbia) 2007 employee to coworkers and supervisors Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Elsman 831 That's why I thought we might should get together. might should Female White 30s College (Graduate) SC (Unknown) SC (Columbia) 2007 employee to coworkers and supervisorsdepen Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Elsman 839 ... that might could be changed. might could Female White 30s College (Graduate) SC (Unknown) SC (Columbia) 2007 employee to supervisor Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Elsman 849 I think it may would be a good idea. may would Male White Unknown Unknown SC (Unknown) 2007 employee to supervisor and subordinates Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Elsman 855 I think I might can do something with it. might can Male White College (Graduate) Unknown SC (Unknown) 2007 employee to supervisors Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 111 We might will see some action now because the 15 car with Morgan Shepard is making his move in turn number four. might will Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 ESPN announcer at NASCAR race Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 123 I might can trade some books at the flea market Saturday. might can Male White 80s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 father to daughter Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 21 I might could use another piece of bread. might could Male White 80s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 father to daughter Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
DiPaolo 1396 If you need me, holler. -Well, you might better stay in. why don't you stay in here? might better Male White unknown Unknown Unknown TX (Henderson) 1979 father to daughter Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 99 I may could use a haircut one of these days soon. may could Male White 80s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 father to daughter Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 128 Look in that TV guide and see if they might will be running a race on Sunday. might will Male White 80s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 father to daughter Spoken 3.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 7 Can you fix this? I might can. might can Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 father to son Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 116 We may can afford it, if we’re careful with the money. may can Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 father to son Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 84 We might can keep a pet there. might can Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 father to son Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
COCA 1079 Damn. Might could be. might could Male Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Novel 1994 father to son Written 1.0 Naturalistic
COCA 1027 We might ought to get you in a tub first. might ought to Male Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Fictional Novel 1993 father to son Written 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 79 She might can wear it if she fixes the belt. might can Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to family Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 80 I may can't do [it]. I'll have to wait and see. may can't Female White 60s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to family Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 81 You might should better try on some of your clothes before you go home. might should Female White 60s Unknown Unknown SC (Myrtle Beach) c1990 female to family Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 82 There weren't no way to be sure. Could be he may didn't want to come. may didn't Female White 60s Unknown Unknown SC (Myrtle Beach) c1990 female to family Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 83 You might did already do that. I don't know. might did Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to family Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 73 If it wouldn't be any trouble, could you might pick me up and give me a ride? could might Female White 30s Graduate school (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to female Spoken 2.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 74 If all goes well, which it probably won't, I'm thinking I may can get it done by May. may can Female White 20s Graduate school (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to female Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 12 I'm nervous. I'm afraid I may can't do it all. may can't Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to female Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 13 Maybe we might should wait till next week. might should Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to female Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 23 I don't think I failed, but I think I might coulda done a lot better. might could Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to female Spoken 1.8 Naturalistic
Mishoe 38 I might could have done so much better. might could Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to female Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
LAGS 242 I could used to do that. could used to Female White 87 7th grade FL (Rock Hill) FL (Rock Hill) 1973 female to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
LAGS 244 I may can {do it} may can Female White 72 5th grade GA (Folkston) GA (Folkston) 1969 female to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
LAGS 246 May can may can Female White 88 6th grade FL (Pineway) FL (Laurel Hill) 1973 female to fieldworker Spoken unknown Naturalistic
LAGS 248 may can do it may can Female Black 23 College GA (Brunswick) GA (Brunswick) 1977 female to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
LAGS 250 You may can still [get a sack of flour]. may can Female White 89 High school (Graduate) TN (Henry Co.) TN (Paris) 1974 female to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
LAGS 254 Sometimes they maybe may would. may would Female Black 72 9th grade (Some) AL (Brantley) AL (Selma) 1978 female to fieldworker Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 122 If we can save some today and I can afford to take off, we might can plan to have another baby soon. might can Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to friend (f) Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 48 Could we might plan a study session? could might Female White 20s Graduate school (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to group Spoken 2.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 51 I think I'm going to go home. I might will feel a little better if I lay down. might will Female White 20s Graduate school (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to group Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 54 Do you think Rosa might will be there? might will Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to group Spoken 2.4 Naturalistic
Reed 1489 Just a sec, I might can find that for you. might can Female White 30s College (Graduate) Unknown SC (Columbia) 2011 female to group Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 68 I thought it was a good idea, but I might could have been wrong about that. might could Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to group Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 97 I thought you might could do it a little different this time. I'm tired of this same old look. might could Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to hairdresser (f) Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 39 I might would send it in if they would just give me til Monday. might would Female White 20s Graduate school (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to male Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 45 We may can get one of those apartments close to the school this summer. may can Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to male Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 47 It might coulda been a whole lot worse. might could Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to male Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 55 Could we might possibly just cancel Christmas this year? could might Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to male (family) Spoken 2.0 Naturalistic
LAMSAS 1584 might could might could Male White 73 A few days for a few years VA (Rectory, Aquia Dist.) VA (Rectory, Aquia Dist.) 1935 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1831 mought could mought could Male White 60 A little SC (Hemingway) SC (Hemingway) 1934 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1926 might could might could Male White 57 Business college GA (St. Simons Island) GA (St. Simons Island) 1947 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1673 might could might could Female White 79 Reads little; can't write VA (Floyd P.O.) VA (Floyd P.O.) 1935 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1767 mought could mought could Male White 77 Illiterate NC (Oxford P.O.) NC (Oxford P.O.) 1936 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1522 might could might could Male White 40 Until age 19 PA (Independence) PA (Independence) 1940 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1610 mought could mought could Female White 107 No education VA (Messick) Messick VA 1936 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1864 might could might could Female White 70 Sunday school SC (Hartsville) SC (Hartsville) 1937 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1958 might could might could Male White 75 High school GA (Fort Valley) GA (Fort Valley) 1947 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1705 might could might could Female White 39 Until age 17 NC (Tiny Oak) NC (Tiny Oak) 1936 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1799 might could might could Male White 41 2 years NC (Tobaccoville) NC (Tobaccoville) 1937 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1554 might could might could Male White 42 Until age 14 MD (Wellington) MD (Wellington) 1939 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1894 mought could mought could Male White 75 Illiterate SC (Armenia) SC (Armenia) 1934 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1641 might could might could Female White 67 VA (Until age) VA (Throck) VA (Throck) 1934 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1735 might could might could Male White 68 Until age 16 NC (Turkey) NC (Turkey) 1934 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1990 might could might could Male White 85 College (Some) FL (Jacksonville) FL (Jacksonville) 1947 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1585 might could might could Female White 71 Private tutor VA (Aquia Church) VA (Aquia Church) 1935 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1832 might could might could Male White 60 A little SC (Hemingway) SC (Hemingway) 1934 fieldworker to informant Spoken
LAMSAS 1927 might could might could Male White 60 High school GA (St. Simons Island) GA (St. Simons Island) 1947 fieldworker to informant Spoken
