Table - See Overview for Filtering and Searching Explanation

source Entry Example Modal 1 Modal 2 Modal 3 Gender Race / Ethnicity Age Level of Education Home Community, Town, or State Location Collectedsort ascending Year Relation to Addressee Medium Sentence Structure Status
Mishoe 108 Do you think they can tell me something about the Mac hook-ups? Answer: They might can. might can Female White unknown Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 store employee to unknown caller Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 44 I thought you might would like this. might would Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 husband to wife Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 77 Do you think if we wrote them a letter, they might would keep it on? might would Male White 16 Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 son to mother Spoken 2.6 Naturalistic
Mishoe 13 Maybe we might should wait till next week. might should Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to female Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 109 He might can put the son of a bitch back together. He's good at shit like that. might can Male White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 husband to wife Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 45 We may can get one of those apartments close to the school this summer. may can Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to male Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 78 This is the strangest weather. Could it might have something to do with that greenhouse thing? could might Male Black 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to student Spoken 2.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 14 Would there might possibly be any more of those forms in the office? would might Female White unknown Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to secretary Spoken 2.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 46 We might can find a closer way to go. might can Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 wife to husband Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 79 She might can wear it if she fixes the belt. might can Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to family Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 15 I wonder if you may would help me. may would Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 daughter to mother Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 111 We might will see some action now because the 15 car with Morgan Shepard is making his move in turn number four. might will Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 ESPN announcer at NASCAR race Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 47 It might coulda been a whole lot worse. might could Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to male Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 80 I may can't do [it]. I'll have to wait and see. may can't Female White 60s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to family Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 16 We have everything you might could need right here. might could Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 clerk to customer Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 112 We wanted to come and we might possibly could have, but like everybody else, we got money worries. might could Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 48 Could we might plan a study session? could might Female White 20s Graduate school (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to group Spoken 2.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 17 I might could have done better. I just didn't have enough time. might could Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to student Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 113 If we're careful and if nothing else bad don't happen, we might can come in November. might can Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 49 Would it might be something we haven't even seen before? would might Male White 18 College (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 male to instructor Spoken 2.6 Naturalistic
Mishoe 18 I've always thought if you stayed on that road right, there you might would run smack into it. might would Male White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 stranger to stranger Spoken 1.8 Naturalistic
Mishoe 114 We might can catch a few old catfish for the pot if we're lucky. might can Male White 60s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 man to nephews Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 50 Do you think it might would be a good idea? might would Female White 18 College (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to student (female) Spoken 2.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 83 You might did already do that. I don't know. might did Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to family Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 19 Maybe we might should plan to eat out. might should Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 daughter to mother Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 115 He might woulda done some better if he'd stayed in school, but there ain't no work out there as it is. might would Male White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 man to family Spoken 1.8 Naturalistic
Mishoe 51 I think I'm going to go home. I might will feel a little better if I lay down. might will Female White 20s Graduate school (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to group Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 84 We might can keep a pet there. might can Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 father to son Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 20 I wonder if he might would be interested in that? might would Male White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 man to man Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 116 We may can afford it, if we’re careful with the money. may can Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 father to son Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 52 I thought I might could eat it, but when I tasted it, knew I couldn't. might could Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 husband to wife Spoken 1.8 Naturalistic
Mishoe 85 He may would loan us a few dollars, but I don't want to ask. may would Male Black 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 construction worker to another Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 21 I might could use another piece of bread. might could Male White 80s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 father to daughter Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 117 I might should be taping this. I forgot how funny it was. might should Male White 17 Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 son to mother Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 53 If she wouldn't eat so much salt, she might would feel better. might would Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 mother-in-law to daughter-in-law Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 86 The only thing that could change the outcome would be if we might could get a caution flag. might could Male White unknown Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 NBC announcer to audience Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 22 We might should go in. might should Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to group of students Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 118 You might should go ahead and wake him up. might should Male White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 husband to wife Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 54 Do you think Rosa might will be there? might will Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to group Spoken 2.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 87 That must didn't hurt him cause he's still in the lead. must didn't Male White unknown Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 NBC announcer to audience Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 23 I don't think I failed, but I think I might coulda done a lot better. might could Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to female Spoken 1.8 Naturalistic
Mishoe 119 I got as far as Jacksonville and stopped. I thought I might would make it all the way to Orlando, but I was too tired. might would Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 brother to sister Spoken 1.8 Naturalistic
Mishoe 55 Could we might possibly just cancel Christmas this year? could might Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to male (family) Spoken 2.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 88 I'm hoping they might can fill that jaw tooth and not have to pull it. might can Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 male to family Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 24 We may can work something out. may can Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 120 I got some, but I might should buy a little bit more. might should Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 daughter to mother Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 56 I might could feel worse but I'm damned if I know how. might could Male White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 male to female in no. 55 Spoken 1.8 Naturalistic
Mishoe 89 You might will be able to. I don’t know. might will Male White 60s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 brother to brother Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 25 I might shouldn't worry about it, but I do. might shouldn't Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 121 Chuck needs to be fed and he may will need some water. may will Male Unknown 80s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 grandfather to grandson Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 57 Do you think there is a chance Wallace may can come? may can Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to neice Spoken 1.5 Naturalistic
Mishoe 90 We waited as long as we could, cause we thought he may did want to go with us. may did Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 daughter to mother Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 26 You might ought to have the oil changed. might ought to Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 brother to sister Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 122 If we can save some today and I can afford to take off, we might can plan to have another baby soon. might can Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to friend (f) Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 58 Could you might turn that thing down? could might Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 mother to daughter Spoken 2.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 59 This might could be the best move we ever made. might could Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 husband to wife Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 91 He might could do it, maybe, but I'm not sure. might could Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 daughter to mother Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 27 I may can do it on my way in tomorrow. may can Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 sister to brother/ direct response to no. 26 Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 139 We might could've overlooked something. might could Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 mechanic to customer Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 60 I thought I might could get them to react a certain way. might could Male White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to student Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 92 Do you think all these potatoes will fit into this pan? They might will. might will Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 28 It's a long way and he might will can't come, but I'm gonna ask. might will can't Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 138 I thought I might could see what was loose, but I don't see anything. might could Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 mechanic to customer Spoken 1.8 Naturalistic
Mishoe 61 Do you think Trevor might would loan me a cigarette? might would Male White 18 College (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to student (female) Spoken 2.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 93 Lance may will want corn instead of potatoes. may will Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 aunt to niece Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 29 I think I might would like me a piece of cake. might would Male White 16 Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 son to mother Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 137 I don't think we might will need any more than two hours tops. might will Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 mechanic to customer Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 62 This is what I was afraid of. I was scared this might would happen. might would Female White 20s Graduate school (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to group Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 94 I thought you might would be the one to know. might would Male White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 male to secretary on phone Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 30 They're saying we may shall get some rain. may shall Female White 60s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 older woman to younger woman Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 136 That radio might could be playing softer. might could Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 mother to daughter Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 63 I'll tell you what we might should do. might should Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 sister to sister Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 95 Well, I don't know. He might not mind, but then again he might would. might would Female White unknown Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 secretary to professor Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 31 If you follow this map carefully, you might can get there with the rest of us. might can Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 professor to student Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 135 I kinda wanted to go to Sears, if you have a few minutes and might wouldn't mind driving me. might wouldn't Female White unknown Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 woman to daughter-in-law Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 64 We need something we might would turn into something. might should Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 husband to wife Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
Mishoe 96 I thought you said we might could get some candy? might could Male Black unknown Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 son to mother Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 32 Could I might possibly bother you for a minute? could might Female White 40s Graduate school (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to student Spoken 2.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 134 Supper may will get cold before you finish playing with your building blocks. may will Female White 60s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 grandmother to grandson Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 65 You might could possibly help me. I don't know. might could Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 customer to clerk Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 1 I thought you might could help me. might could Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 Customer to clerk Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 97 I thought you might could do it a little different this time. I'm tired of this same old look. might could Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to hairdresser (f) Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 33 That might would be just fine. might would Male White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 customer to clerk Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 133 If you're going on a trip, we might should better look it over. might should better Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 mechanic to customer Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 66 Here, in the great U S of A, we can't deprive a man of his livelihood. They may can do a thing like that in Japan, but not here. may can Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 TBS announcer to camera Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 2 Could you might give me a minute? could might Female White 30s Unknown unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to professor Spoken 2.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 98 His mother didn't like his new wife, and she definitely did like Tartuffe. That might would have been enough of a reason right there for Orgon to have brought him home don't you think? might would Female White 18 College (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to class Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 34 I guess I might could do it. might could Male White 18 College (Freshman) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to instructor Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 132 You might not shouldn't put so much water directly on those flowers. might not shouldn't Female White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 wife to husband Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 67 Do you think we can afford it or should we might cancel the trip? should might Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 husband to wife Spoken 2.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 3 Maybe I might should just forget the whole damn thing. might should Female White 30s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 woman to woman in restaurant Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 99 I may could use a haircut one of these days soon. may could Male White 80s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 father to daughter Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 35 The only reason I might would want a book banned would be if it was just plain unworthy to read. might would Female White 18 College (Freshman) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to instructor Spoken 1.6 Naturalistic
Mishoe 131 I think when cigarettes start to go for sixty bucks a pack it may will be time to quit. may will Male White 16 Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 son to mother Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 68 I thought it was a good idea, but I might could have been wrong about that. might could Female White 20s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 female to group Spoken 1.1 Naturalistic
Mishoe 4 If you can find the exact same color [of carpet], I might could fix it so it doesn't even show. might could Male White 40s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 brother to sister Spoken 1.2 Naturalistic
Mishoe 100 You may shouldn't eat that many peanuts, cause folks have told me they're not actual good for you. may shouldn't Female White 60s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 mother to son Spoken 1.3 Naturalistic
Mishoe 36 People might ought to think about it for a long time. might ought to Male White 18 College (Freshman) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to instructor Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
Mishoe 130 I thought y'all may would have some more of them in by now. may would Female White 50s Unknown Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 customer to clerk Spoken 1.4 Naturalistic
Mishoe 69 They may might overlook a slip here and a slip there, but they aren't going to overlook anything major. may might Female White 30s Graduate school (Some) Unknown SC/ NC (Unknown) c1990 student to group Spoken 1.0 Naturalistic
